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Friday, August 26, 2022

At Last

The final piece of the fiber internet line was installed this week! And just in time. I was able to stop autopay on my 4G LTE internet phone two days before it was due. I was getting 5Mbps with LTE. Now, I'm getting 200Mbps or better. So far, I haven't had any major patches to download, so I'm still waiting to see how it does for that. I expect great things. TV works like a charm. No more setting up the hotspot on the phone and letting it connect while obsessing over the battery and hoping it connects to the right TV. I turn on the TV, and it just works. No more shutting down the hotspot and turning the phone off overnight. I can charge it for normal use. I actually was using two phones, one for internet and one for TV. All the hassle and stress are gone. It makes me feel better about life.

It was a better week on the writing front. I was able to put a little extra time into it. I have to make that happen every week.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Almost Fiber

There's more progress on the internet front. The other day someone installed what I assumed was a fiber line from the electric meter area to the nearest electric pole. A coil of cable was left sticking up out of the ground. I thought it was going to be run inside later, but this week someone installed a box on the outside wall near the electric meter. The coil is gone. Whoever did it left a piece of cable on the ground. It's definitely a fiber line. The next step is someone showing up to come inside and do the router setup. I received email about that literally minutes ago and scheduled an appointment for Tuesday.

From ordering it to having internet was supposed to take 12 to 14 weeks. If Tuesday goes well, it'll have taken about three and a half weeks. It'll be 200Mbps. I've been struggling with 4G LTE at 5Mbps. That's enough to surf and download common things, but large files or patches take hours. Not that I have many of those. I have an alert on my phone to let me know if I hit 100GB. I never hit the alert.

I'm still recovering from the tooth extraction last week. I had to go back to the dentist where I had bone chips picked out of the extraction site. Though it had less poison and bothered me less, this one has been harder to recover from than the first one.

Nevertheless, I've made some progress on the writing front this week. It wasn't a great deal, but it's forward movement.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Another Extraction

I had the second abscessed tooth pulled Monday. I could taste the poison once the process reached a certain point. It's been a long week. It's still bothering me.

I don't think I got anything done on the book front unless it was last weekend. I got a little done toward the Fiverr gig. I made some progress on a course that I bought as a training aid. I'm still not up and running with that. My hope is that, once the tooth is fully healed and I have more energy, I'll be getting more "extra" things done. It's hard to describe the fatigue involved with an abscess. It's basically a ball of poison in your body that your system is constantly fighting. It's kind of like that drained feeling caused by the flu. I'm starting to feel better and less tired. The dark circles under my eyes seem to be clearing up.

So, there is some possibly great news. Tuesday someone installed a line from the house to the nearest phone pole. By yesterday, I went out to see if perhaps there was a new box attached to the house. No, it was a coil of cable with the fiber internet company's name on it. Installation of fiber is supposed to take 12 to 14 weeks. Maybe it won't be so long after all. Having a stable, real internet connection will make things so much easier. It'll be 200Mbps instead of the 5Mbps cell phone internet I have now. No more waiting for downloads to complete. Full HD videos and TV. No more of not having internet every Saturday, Sunday and sometimes Friday. No more having to get in the right place to check the news on my phone. All of that and more, plus I need it for certain aspects of the Fiverr gig.

The last extraction took a little over a week to get past. This one didn't require stitches, but it bled much longer and has hurt more. I'm hoping next week is a good week.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 5, 2022

I Forgot to Mention

The internet disruptions in which I had no service via Verizon two Fridays in a row will be coming to an end. I forgot to mention last week that I mailed the paperwork to order fiber internet. I put it in the box Thursday night, July 28th. It was picked up the next morning. I got a confirmation email Monday. Now, I have to wait 12 to 14 weeks for installation.

Every Saturday, I have no internet service until about 7pm. Most Sundays are the same. Lately, Fridays have been affected. I'm using Visible for 4G LTE internet. Visible is owned by Verizon and is Verizon under a different brand name. Once fiber is here, I'm dumping Visible so fast their heads will spin.

Moving on. I've gotten more done on the book front. This was a better week for it. Progress is slow, but it continues.

Have a great weekend.