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Friday, August 30, 2019

Science Says Homosexuality is not Genetic...Again

A major scientific study that proves homosexuality is not genetic just made the news. The story can be found here, here and here. I would have posted only one link, but another major study in 2015 proving the same thing is all but impossible to find now. News of the older study has been censored in the United States, because it's not politically correct.

This finding is critically important, not only because it invalidates gay "marriage", but also because a case is coming up before the Supreme Court in 2020 to determine whether homosexuality should be a civil right. According to science, it should not. But the Supreme Court cares little for science when it interferes with the liberal agenda.

In March 2015 a major study involving multiple teams in multiple countries across multiple continents proved definitively that homosexuality is not genetic. No one is born that way. No one ever has been born that way. Since there's no gene for it, no one will ever be born that way, because we have no way of genetically modifying people to be that way. The 2015 study is generally referred to as the Twins Study. It was a study of twins to determine the genetic basis for a number of things. Homosexuality was not the focus. Common sense tells us that if one twin is gay and one is straight that homosexuality cannot possibly be genetic. The Twins Study proved it scientifically. Another finding in that study is that if one twin is gay the other has a 50% greater chance of being gay. I've seen that statistic used to claim that being gay is genetic, but what it actually points to is environmental factors, genetic damage, mental illness, etc. The study already proved it's not genetic. Lying about the 50% statistic is not science.

Any story about the new study that says that homosexuality "must be" due to a number of genes or genetic influences is propaganda. The Twins Study proved it's not genetic. However, I would listen to a genetic damage argument. That's the only way it could be "genetic", if there's damage to the organism, and even that would not be a genetic basis. It would be damage to the genes like any other genetic disease. A better argument would be mental illness. In the 90s there was a news article about a homosexual survey. It wasn't scientific. It was a survey. The incredible statistic that came out of that survey was that 98% of homosexuals admitted to being molested as children. If I were a researcher in that field, psychological damage caused by molestation is what I would study to determine whether it's the root cause of homosexuality. Another area I would suspect is the chemicals people are constantly exposed to. We don't know what chemicals are doing to our genes.

As a side note, the Twins Study came out in March 2015. Remember how the Supreme Court decision on gay "marriage" came out of nowhere? Remember how the American people were kept in the dark until the decision was already made? Remember how nine people made a national decision with no debate allowed? That decision came out in June 2015. The results of the Twins Study were already known. If the Supreme Court didn't know about that study, it was too scientifically ignorant to make the ruling it did. If it did know, then that proves the Supreme Court is corrupt and should be investigated. Any justice on the Supreme Court who knew about the Twins Study and also voted for gay "marriage" should be disbarred and removed from the Supreme Court by impeachment. Radical social agendas have no place in our legal system.

Science has spoken. At best, homosexuality is a hobby. It's not genetic. No one should have special rights and privileges for exercising a hobby. If homosexuals should have gay "marriage", then I should be allowed to have baseball fan "marriage". If homosexuality is a civil right, then being a baseball fan is also a civil right. No television channel should ever be permitted to black out another baseball game again. That would violate my baseball fan civil rights. However, I don't have baseball fan civil rights or baseball fan "marriage", because it's just a hobby, and neither should homosexuals have those things because what they do is just a hobby, too.

What I expect to see from this new study is more media censorship and lying about the science. This study will probably vanish from the press. The Twins Study has been heavily censored in the United States. I never see it mentioned in reference to homosexuals. The lie about the 50% statistic that I referred to above was told on a British documentary about twins, not in the United States. The liberal media will not report facts that contradict their radical social agendas. A third study proved that transgenderism is a choice. It's not genetic either. Apparently, the entire LGBetc movement is not genetic. It's a collection of people practicing strange hobbies.

The science is in. We can't allow radical leftists to dictate how this country lives.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Possible Time Off

I might take the next few weeks off from the blog. A heat wave is supposed to be coming next week, and I still don't have a solution for the air conditioner problem. The cold front is gone, though temperatures haven't been excessive. I was hoping I'd be able to coast through the last few weeks of August but, alas, the heat front. Running the computer without air conditioning is too brutal.

My plan is to work on painting. There's a painting I've been needing to do. And, of course, I still need book covers. Maybe, if I do the painting, something will shake loose with the covers. I still don't have the digital painting skills to do them.

On a personal note, I could use some prayer, if you would, about a direction in life that could be God showing me something major, or it could be my overactive imagination. I have no way to get there from here. There are too many obstacles and obstruction. I need the obstacles removed. I don't have a clear direction on how to remove them. Any extra prayers about this would be appreciated.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 2, 2019

It's Us or Them

If you've ever wondered why Congress refuses to stop illegal immigration, this article, [sic]Birth rate drops to an all-time low in the United States, is part of the answer. Without illegals, the population in the U.S. would be shrinking. A major factor in this shrinkage is abortion. Going on 60 million Americans have been murdered through abortion. The population of New York State is a little over 19 million. We've lost the equivalent of three states the size of New York. Even before it hits 60 million, we'll have lost more than three New Yorks. That's unacceptable.

The main problem with illegal immigrants is that they're not coming here to become Americans. They're bringing and maintaining their own separate cultures, cultures that are inferior to traditional American values. Their cultures are not equal to ours. They're dragging us down.

Democrats and Republicans alike are allowing this invasion force. They're patting themselves on the back for "solving" the abortion problem, but their "solution" is literally destroying this country. Multiple cultures can't exist simultaneously. In the end only one can survive. The Democrat playbook states that thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis. The Democrat party is pushing illegal immigration as hard as they can, because they want to destroy American culture and replace it with a synthesis culture that they can control. For example, welfare recipients vote Democrat. That population is controlled. In order to gain that control, Democrats had to destroy the American work ethic in that population. Having succeeded with that, they want to gain control of the entire country through illegal immigration.

Democrat party beliefs and values used to be un-American. It's to the point now that they're not just un-American but anti-American. We're at a point in history beyond which either the Democrat party survives or the United States survives. It can't be both. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same country for any length of time. In the end only one culture can be dominant. If American culture is to survive, the Democrat party has to end.

Have a great weekend.