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Friday, August 27, 2021

And on to Book 3

Work on Book 3 of the B'vellah War series began this week. I'm still going through the part that's already written, doing a little cleaning up for minor things. It wasn't a great week in real life, so it's been going more slowly than I wanted.

A tropical storm passed through one day. The power was out three different times for varying lengths of time. The longest was going on 5 hours. The shortest was ten or fifteen minutes. That got me to looking at backup power options. Every time the power goes out, I can't use my computer, and I have no lights except flashlights. Ryobi makes a 300W power source, among others. It's $79.97 for the bare tool battery not included. I already have a Ryobi tool that has a 40V battery that I could use. I'm not convinced it would power my computer, but it might for a short period of time. It would certainly power lights and charge cell phones. It should run a small television. They have a $799 one that would run the refrigerator, but I've seen cheaper ones. The number of products out there for this problem is high. Finding the right solution is going to take way longer than it seems like it should.

I've been looking at backups for the refrigerator, too. It might be cheaper to forget all the battery stuff and get a gasoline generator. The problem with those is that they're so loud. A neighbor has one that's thousands of feet away. I can hear it indoors when the power goes out. Brutal. I don't want one right outside. It seems I have a lot more looking to do.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Continuing Prep Work 3

This was another week of preparation for the last B'vellah War novel. Part of that involved editing on book 2. Some things got in the way, and I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. I still got a fair stretch done.

There's a lot that has to be crammed into book 3, the rough draft of which is already about half written. I've been thinking about that as I've been going through the first two books. On the one hand I'm a little concerned that there's too much going on. On the other hand that's not a bad problem to have. I don't have to worry about the saggy middle problem novelists face. I don't have to agonize about plot points and idea brainstorming. The main worry is pacing. It can't be too fast or too slow. I also have to make sure that key events at the end happen close together instead of being dragged out too far.

This week should see better progress, especially if I can get a head start this weekend.

As a side note, the Facebook changes I've commented on the past couple of weeks have disappeared with the exception of the censored photograph. I protested the censorship but haven't heard back. I view Facebook as a short-term company, so I'm not too concerned.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Continuing Prep Work 2

Like last week, this week was preparing for finishing Book 3 of the B'vellah War series. I didn't get as far as I thought I would. I've been going through past books, looking for foreshadowings and minor details I may have forgotten. As part of that, I've ended up doing some light editing work on book 2 and some mostly comma corrections in book 1. This coming week "should" see that completed, although I have about half of book 3 already finished. It may need some work as I go through it.

Last week I mentioned that I'd posted an anti-CRT article on Facebook and that one of their woke[sic] employees seemed to have racistly changed my recommendations of People You May Know to nearly all blacks and Muslims.

This week someone did a deep-dive review of everything I've ever posted. The result was that one picture I posted in 2016 was censored. Of everything I've ever posted on Facebook, only one thing was deemed offensive. It was this picture:



Too close to home, I guess? Yes, too close to home. It's not my fault that the Democrat party and the National Socialist Party share core, common values. Pointing that out is not offensive. It was a warning that our democracy was in danger. It still is. The more the left caters to radicals the more like the National Socialist Party they become.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Continuing Prep Work

This week was a how-the-sausage-gets-made week. I've been going through previous material, pulling out little details I've forgotten about that I need to know to get the B'vellah War series finished. I already have an outline. I need to find the little foreshadowings that were mentioned once in a scrap of dialogue and never mentioned again, as well as to refresh myself on details in general. I've been finding and copying those into the book 3 rough draft. That's been pretty slow going. I "should" have that done during the coming week and be able to pick up at the point where I left off on book 3.

Not very exciting. To help make up for that, here's a cat video I saw this week.

As a side note, you may have seen undercover videos in which Facebook employee moderators talk and/or laugh about abusing users of the service. It looks like that has happened to me. I posted a news article titled "Soviet immigrant says critical race theory uses the same concepts and language as Marxism."

I brought up Facebook prior to posting this blog. I usually don't check People Who May Know because the recommendations are almost always random people I can't possibly know, but I noticed the 3-person panel was all black. Even though my Friends list includes multiple races, it was odd to see that kind of lack of diversity. I started checking more recommendations. Nearly all my People Who May Know recommendations are black or Muslim. That's no accident.

Based on undercover videos, I assume Facebook moderators do that to attack people Facebook perceives as racist. Posting about CRT doesn't make you racist. CRT isn't about race. It's about promoting a Marxist agenda in the United States. The same thing was done throughout the 20th century. For example, CRT was used in Yugoslavia to start a civil war there. In that country, instead of race, CRT was about religion and wasn't called CRT. The enemy divided people by religion instead of skin color. In the U.S. they're trying to trigger a civil war by creating racial divisions that don't exist in the real world.

FYI, social justice also comes out of Marxism. The whole social justice/CRT push is an attempt to divide Americans by race and trigger a civil war. It has nothing to do with justice or race. Race is just the vehicle the same way religion has been used in places like Yugoslavia.

Do you know who the most famous social justice warrior of the 20th century was? Two hints:  a) It's not mother Teresa. b) He lived in Germany. Give up? The most famous social justice warrior of the 20th century was Adolph Hitler. The Nazi party used the German version of social justice in an attempt to gain power. They were constantly fighting for German rights and the German people. The Holocaust happened in a context of creating divisions between racial groups, although technically Judaism isn't a race. For propaganda, it didn't matter.

If you're in the U.S., we have to stay united. We can't let the Marxists create racial divisions in our country. We of all races have to stand together against the foreign and domestic enemies trying to destroy us.

Have a great weekend.