The Messengers of Yesh Web Address

Friday, July 31, 2015

Can you see the genocide yet?

Another undercover, Planned Parenthood video was released this week. It's very graphic at the end. Abortionists are sifting through a slurry of shredded, dead babies looking for specific parts such as kidneys or livers that they have the potential to sell from future abortions. At one point they have trouble finding the legs. They finally locate them, and a woman says, "And another boy!" in an amused, mocking cynical tone of the type comedians sometimes use. It's completely dehumanizing.

As a thought experiment, what if it wasn't an American woman mocking a dead victim? What if it was a nazi saying, "And another Jew!"?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Saudi News, Etc.

Last weekend I saw a story on Fox News, which is partly Saudi owned(through stocks) and islam-influenced, about the muslim shooter in TN. I hate watching them because they mostly cover politics instead of news, but I at least try to catch the headlines if possible. Since CNN stopped doing news, they're almost the only game in town.

There was a Fox interviewer and a muslim "guest" expert who was a foreign correspondent, presumably working for Fox, although it was never made clear. Her interpretation of the attacks was that Abdulazeez was reading the wrong Koran whatever that meant. The interviewer came at the alcohol and drugs angle as if Abdulazeez must not have been as devout a muslim as his friends thought. The interviewer and the foreign correspondent wondered how Abdulazeez could sit alone in his basement feeling lonely and watch internet videos to become "radicalized". /facepalm The guy's from Kuwait and has spent a lot of time in Jordan. I've seen a story that claimed, despite the Kuwaiti birth location, that he's been identified as a Palestinian from Nablus. Jordan is majority Palestinian.

The entire piece was propaganda. The muslim correspondent wouldn't go near the truth and actively tried to hide it. The interviewer was too young and inexperienced to have any real context for the story. As has been reported before, suddenly starting to drink alcohol, do drugs, hire prostitutes and engage in other acts of the flesh forbidden by the Koran, by devout muslims, is a warning sign of an impending martyrdom operation. Suicide in the name of jihad allegedly erases all those sins and guarantees a place in paradise. That's so basic and so obvious and so previously reported in other cases, but they never mentioned it.

I know I shouldn't watch Fox. I know they're mainly the propaganda wing of the Republican party and not a news channel. But if I catch them at the right time of day, they actually show a little news.

There was some good news. It takes a big person to admit to being wrong. Taylor Swift is a big person. She admitted to being wrong about some tweet she made about a tweet some other gal made. Apparently, there was a bit of a kerfuffle involved. I'm glad it worked out. Genuine news stories died so we could know.

Other Things
I always have more to add, but the blog always seems too long. This one isn't. I have in the past made a few YouTube videos. Nothing inappropriate but nothing I'd want you to see either. :) For the first time since 2010, I made a YouTube video the other day. It was for a French lady and not the general public. However, I'm getting closer to doing something public. I need to buy some equipment. Sadly, I'm not rich. At least not yet. One day, right? Right!

I'm foreseeing two channels. One is a French channel where I would talk about whatever's on my mind but in French. Native speakers could then correct my usage. Some things would be in English sharing English tips for non-native speakers who already have a good grasp of the language. As I mentioned a while back, I picked up Assimil French. I've continued using it and reading French books and watching French TV on YouTube. Even with the French I already knew, progress feels slow. It might be a few more months before I feel comfortable doing a French video, although I might do a simple, introductory one now to explain what the channel is about.
The other channel would be in English where I'd talk about spiritual or other things like book stuff. Some things are easier to talk about than type about. I created an account for it a while back but don't have the channel made. I have a camcorder and wired mic already. I need lighting and such, though. The mic works pretty well. I picked it up in 2010 for cheap on Amazon. The video I did for the French lady was made during a thunderstorm. Most of the noise was filtered out very nicely.

This week I had several things I wanted to make quick blogs about that didn't really fit this blog. Today's blog didn't really fit this blog actually. I'm thinking about making another blog where I can rant about Fox News, etc., or talk about the weather or my boycott of the Braves. The news has been complaining about the heat wave. Where I live, there's been a cool snap. Except for the humidity it's almost like autumn. It's been great! With another blog I could stick to book stuff here instead of all the other things I've been talking about. I still need to think about a name for it and such.

So, once I get a public video up on the French channel, I'll post the link here. Same for the other blog.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Glorious Victory

I almost never watch NFL football. Maybe once every ten years I might see a game. I never catch the super bowl. I don't watch many college games. If I do, it would almost have to be an ACC game. I might tune in to a few of those every year. I generally don't watch college bowl games. However, I do watch Georgia Tech football games. They had a good team last year, which made it a fun year for that. They finished 11-3 and won their bowl game.

Tech's in-state rival is UGA, also called Georgia. The game can be quite intense. Last year's was a nail-biter. November 29, 2014. Tech was ranked 16th. UGA was 9th. It came down to the last three minutes of the game. Tech had a small lead, and victory was within grasp. Until the quarterback fumbled the ball. With just under three minutes left in the game, he sat down on the sidelines and put his face in his hands so he wouldn't have to watch. It was brutal. There's almost no way to come back from that, and he felt the weight of it. Georgia scored a touchdown, giving them a 21 to 24 lead. With 22 seconds left in the game. Georgia fans began celebrating. Georgia players began congratulating themselves on the sidelines and celebrating.

Having victory within easy reach only to watch it slip away was heartbreaking. It's nearly impossible to score in 22 seconds. But. The game wasn't over. After the kickoff Tech ran the ball out to decent field position. They had time for one maybe two more plays. The next play put them at mid-field. With 4 seconds left in the game. About the only way to score from that distance is with a miracle pass or with a really, really long field goal. A field goal would have been 53 yards and almost a miracle in its own right. Tech's kicker's longest field goal was 49 yards. The coach decided to try a field goal anyway. With 4 seconds left, options are severely limited.

The kicker came out and set up. Everything went perfectly. The ball barely made it through the goalposts, but it made it. Tie game! 24-24. The quarterback was off the hook. Georgia fans were stunned. One looked positively angry. We were going to overtime.

College overtime rules are kind of weird now. Each team is allowed one possession. The team that scores the most points wins, or I guess they do it again. I don't watch enough of it to know exactly how it works. Games usually don't go to overtime.

Tech got the ball first and scored a touchdown. It was 30-24. The point after was blocked! To win, all Georgia had to do was score a touchdown. The Georgia side restarted the celebrations. More heartbreak for Tech and Tech fans. Tech couldn't stop Georgia's drive. And then it happened. Interception! Game over. Tech won!!!

I taped this game onto DVD from someone else's DVR this week. Even knowing Tech would win, it was hard to watch. It was a game of ups and downs. The lows were really low. It was emotionally wrenching. I knew the outcome. I also know what usually happens. The usual didn't happen this time. If the usual had happened, Tech would have lost this game twice. :) But at the end...glorious victory!

Last year was extremely difficult. This year hasn't been a bed of roses. I cannot cannot cannot seem to get the breakthrough I need. I seem to be facing ongoing defeat in the three main areas of my life with no end in sight. But after watching that game again, I had a thought. Defeat is never guaranteed. No matter how hard things can be, I can't guarantee defeat. Maybe, if I keep playing hard enough, God will give me not just victory but glorious victory.

Are you facing the impossible in some area of life? Defeat is not guaranteed. When things look usual, it's hard to expect the unexpected, but it happens. Sometimes the unusual can happen enough times in a row that victory is guaranteed.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Thinking Out Loud

Environmental Considerations
Operating Temperature: 55°F to 78°F(12.78°C to 25.5°C)
Operating Humidity: 40% to 50%, non-condensing
Storage Temperature: 73°F(22.78°C)
Storage Humidity: 45%, non-condensing

I can operate outside those ranges, of course. Those are just what I'd ideally prefer. June had some record-breaking temperatures here in the north Georgia mountains followed by a cool snap with lower humidity. Now, the heat and humidity are back. I keep telling myself September is less than two months away.

I'm getting the impression that something disruptive is coming. According to this article, the Confederate flag flap helps not just radical, left-wing progressives in America but Islam, too, by eroding the 10th Amendment. The president recently referred to Islam as "our religion". Apparently, he feels confident enough to admit being a muslim in public, a fact he used to try to hide and even actively denied. The pope's been running around everywhere saying a lot of things like he's campaigning for something. The Supreme Court in the U.S. has openly violated the Constitution. The list goes on. The forces of darkness are moving very transparently in some cases. What are they planning?

Since Disney bought Star Wars, I've seen a ton of Star Wars "news" stories. Of course, Disney works behind the scenes to place those stories into the news. They're part of their advertising effort. It's all a unified campaign to make them more money. Those stories are not spontaneous. When I see all the stories about the pope, I recognize it as part of a global campaign. When I see things like the recent Supreme Court decision and the bizarre flag thing, I recognize them as pieces in a larger plan. Why do the flag thing now? It has nothing to do with racism. It's an attack on American values, etc. Why flex the muscle to make that particular attack at this time rather than earlier or later?

The Patriot Act appeared within days of September 11, 2001. Metaphorically, it was sitting in a drawer waiting to be used by the forces of darkness. Are all these global attacks on freedom leading up to something even more drastic than the Patriot Act?

Friday, July 3, 2015


The secular media is averse to talking about it, but the Lord of the Rings was based on the Bible. The original manuscript was filled with quotes from the King James Version. Right before publication Tolkien got cold feet and removed most of them, though some are still there. It's pretty interesting if you want to research it. Gandalf was supposed to be an angel and so on.

In the series was a group of nine evil beings know as ringwraiths. They were also called the Black Riders or the Nine, etc., and served the Dark Lord, Sauron. The Nine were kings who started out as normal men but were corrupted by the Dark Lord and eventually became twisted into something even more evil by supernatural forces. The Nine possessed great power, more power than they had the wisdom to wield.

The Bible speaks of various covenants. When God establishes a covenant, it's final. People can break a covenant, but unless God releases it, the covenant stands. The first Messianic prophecy in the Bible is in Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Later on it's revealed that salvation only applies to humans.

An interesting verse is Isaiah 26:14 They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish. The words for dead and deceased are different in Hebrew. Deceased is rephaim. They are rephaim, they shall not rise. Rephaim are synonymous with nephilim. Before the flood, fallen angels produced the nephilim in an attempt to bring into covenant(Genesis 3:15) that which cannot be brought into covenant. It's thought that Isaiah 26:14 is a reference to that. God did not honor it. They will not be resurrected.

If a covenant of God has a blessing in it, the blessing comes to pass no matter what. However, if people try to decide by human will what's a covenant and what isn't, the decision is irrelevant in God's eyes. They can attempt to force something into covenant that isn't. It produces nothing. God will not bless what is not in covenant. Even if powerful beings like the Nine make a decision that something outside of covenant is in covenant, their decision has no authority and no power with God. It will not be honored. It will not be blessed.