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Friday, September 18, 2015

They're Back

Work on the next book continues, though it feels like progress is barely creeping along. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. In other news, I bought a Tesla this week. Not the super-expensive electric car, the Hot Wheels toy. I'd like to have an electric car one day. Not because of the environment, which is doing fine, but because of future oil prices. We've been seeing a nice downward move recently that can't last forever. At some point demand will skyrocket, and gas will be exorbitantly priced once again. The toy is on my desk as motivation and a symbol of the goal.

Something disturbing is back.

What do you suppose is two aisles down from this? The Halloween aisle. And on the other side of the Halloween aisle is the Thanksgiving section. Will there come a time when holiday things will be on sale year round? Only 97 days until Christmas.

Something else arrived this week that I haven't seen in while. Lynx is back! He's a stray cat that I was feeding for a while until he disappeared in June or July. I've been wondering if he was dead. Last Friday the weather turned cooler and less humid after a mini heat wave. Fall is firmly here. Maybe mice are becoming fewer and farther between. Some call cats like Lynx feral cats. I call them kitties who have fallen on hard times.

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