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Friday, July 17, 2020

Asymptomatic Trouble

I went to Walmart to get some medium(painting supply) that costs around $3 instead of $11 elsewhere online.What I found instead is that supply chain disruptions are affecting more than just food supplies.

While I was there I shopped for some house shoes and found empty pegs where regular shoes should be.

I saw things like this all over the store, some worse and some better. Sometimes it would be an empty section like the shoes. Sometimes it would be empty spots where a specific product used to be. Rubbing alcohol hasn't been available since March. There are empty food spots. Toilet paper and paper towels and such have entire sections of emptiness. It makes me wonder how long it's going to last.

Trouble in Coronatown
A new report came out this week, but I doubt you saw it on the news. Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers are taking lung damage. I assume they're taking other organ damage as well, but the study focused on the lungs. So, all those "strong, healthy people" who shrug off the virus, don't even know they have it and don't seem affected are actually taking what seems to be permanent organ damage. We won't know for sure how lasting the damage is until a future time when later tests can be compared to current ones.

In other bad news, 60% of infected people don't develop antibodies, and 14% of the people who do lose them within a few weeks to perhaps a few months, which means people can get the virus more than once and take damage each time. Between these two findings, it looks like young, healthy people will be dying also, just at a later date than weaker, older people. Since antibodies are so quickly ineffective, don't expect a vaccine based on them to be any more effective than temporary. Some of this info is in this video. Profanity caution in the 11th minute. He's quoting an account from a Covid patient in which the patient says something naughty. Other than that it's clean.

I guess the media will be withholding the bad news until later, perhaps until after the election or when younger people start dropping. Hmm, what about the protesters, rioters and police attackers? The problem is slowly solving itself.

Have a great weekend.

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