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Friday, March 18, 2016

Studio Update

It hasn't been a scintillating week. I got some extra work done on the studio.

These are the boards that go on the wall.

This is the wall from a different angle. That line of paint is the hairline crack.

 A picture of a crack in the floor.

 A different crack.

This is one of my studio lights and stand.

It's hard to tell, but the cracks still aren't completely sealed. I tried to outsmart them. I used some of my old acrylic hobby paint and slathered it on with a 1 inch paint brush thinking it would fill the cracks. I then painted over it with the red house paint, which is leftover from something else. That light streak along the crack is the acrylic showing through. It almost worked. A lot of it is sealed, but I'm still seeing pinprick holes. I've used multiple coats. It's nearly done.

The room is almost cleaned up. There are a few things left to do, then I'll be able to clean the boards with furniture polish and put them back up. And, yes, that floor color's not the best. My plan is to put down a cheap laminate floor one day when I can afford it.

I've had a couple of bad things happen lately that I could use some serious prayer for, if you want to. I mean real prayer. Nothing wimpy, something awesome. I need answers.

I've made YouTube videos before and even one a few months ago, but it can still be hard to talk to the camera. The experts say it just takes practice. To help get me started off right, I picked up a really cheap mirror at Walmart for $5.88. It's about 50 inches tall. That's 12.7 decimeters.

That was a joke for European readers. ;) It's 1.27m. I like using the deci gag on Americans. Hopefully, it plays in Europe, too. :)

Anyway, it's easier to talk to a mirror than a camera lens. Until I get more comfortable with the camera, I'm going to put the mirror behind it and try to talk to the mirror like it was a person. I can also see my reactions and if I'm doing something annoying or fidgety.

I'm making progress on the book but not what I'd hoped for. I could use prayer for that, too. :)

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