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Friday, February 19, 2016

YouTube Prep

I've created a YouTube channel for making writing videos. The basic concept is I'd play an English aristocrat type of character discussing "literature". I'd talk about a bad moment in an otherwise good, well-written book(or wherever) that either didn't work or didn't make a lick of sense then explain why it doesn't work and tell how to avoid that mistake or how to fix it. It would all be done with a slant toward humor and exaggeration while conveying useful tips and tricks. I wouldn't be an expert, guru or mentor, but it's not necessary to be those to spot mistakes. The idea is not to make fun of someone or that person's work. It's to learn from a bad moment while having fun. To make that happen, I'd want to avoid books that are genuinely bad.

 You put what in your story?

I do so dearly hope you avoid that mistake in the future.

That's most of my costume. Rich jacket and puffy ascot tie with a pipe and lots of gold trim. I don't have the pipe yet. It would be for gags only and not a bad example to children. The glasses are part of the costume. These pics aren't the best. It was windy and cold. My "photographer" fought me every step of the way. This isn't the exact look I'm going for, but it's the general idea. I probably need a tacky gold ring now that I see the pictures.

The irony of all this is that the Messengers series is FILLED with things you're not supposed to do in your writing. I'd be sharing tips while standing on a manual of what to never do. I hope to get something up in a week or two.

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