In January or February I saw a bloodmobile at Walmart on a dark, overcast day. A few weeks later it was back in the same spot collecting blood. Again, it was a dark, rainy day. I thought to myself that they must be vampires and only collect blood on overcast days when the sun won't kill them. A week or so ago, they were back. This time it was sunnier, though partly cloudy. On this trip I was in a car waiting for someone and had a good view of the bloodmobile. The location of the Walmart is near a small mountain to the west. The sun sets behind the mountain. I was there right at sunset. Almost as soon as it went down, an employee came out of the bloodmobile and started taking down the signage for it. She had waited until the sun was down. Vampire. This week I was there again near sunset. The bloodmobile was there, too. They're having some kind of blood drive. Right before sunset an employee exited the bloodmobile to take down signage. She was working in sunlight, but, and this is critical, she was a different employee than the vampire. She had to be a human who is actively helping the vampires and perhaps one day hopes to become one. I'm onto them now.
According to the signage, this is an extended blood drive taking place over a period of weeks. Vampires preparing for summer? That would explain the events I've witnessed with my own eyes. Another possibility is that the government is preparing for something they suspect is coming that would require a lot of transfusions. I wonder what it could be.
So, with the health crisis in January, I got almost nothing done on the French front. February was better but not spectacular. Lately, I've been back in the swing of it. I've been reading more and have added listening to C'est pas sorcier to my schedule. Not the little ones at the top but the full episodes YouTube makes you load page after page to get to. Why don't they have a load all videos feature? Oh, Google bought them and innovation all but stopped on the customer end. Sad. It would be nice to be able to sort my subscriptions by genre as well but no. Sad. I'll have to write them.
I've been doing at least two episodes a night. Since it's educational, they talk more slowly and clearly than normal, especially Jamy, which makes it a lot easier. He's not a vampire by the way nor are the other two, Fred and Sabine. Petite voix and Marcel on the other hand are never shown. Hmm. Anyway, last night I decided to listen to a video in French by this woman I'm subscribed to who used to make French lesson videos but somehow got sidetracked and hasn't made one in forever. Sad. But she makes videos in French sometimes. Usually, I can only pick up a certain number of words, because she talks extremely fast. This video was different. I was able to understand quite a lot of what she was saying. It was very encouraging. Getting to the point that I could do freelance translating online seems closer than before.
I got some progress done on the YouTube front. I now have a reasonable background to use that I could later add wallpaper and wainscoting to to make a Victorian-style wall for a classier look. All I have to do is find the time and energy to make some videos.
Conspiracy theories are everywhere now. There's a verse for that.
Isaiah 8:12 Do not call everything a conspiracy these people say is a conspiracy. Do not fear what they fear, nor be afraid.
I presented two explanations for the bloodmobile, one vampires and one more reasonable for the times in which we live. The government ordering the collecting of blood for a terrorist attack is very plausible. A simpler explanation is that summer is coming. People are out doing things and getting hurt more than in the winter. Thus more blood is needed. On this page fact number 36 says that summer is a time for blood shortages. No conspiracy theory needed.
Have a great weekend.
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