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Friday, November 27, 2015

True Dreams

Part of my French learning involves watching an episode of C'est Pas Sorcier every day. Or at least listening to it. I don't understand a lot of it, but if they say a word enough times, I can nearly always guess the spelling and look it up. It's really too advanced for me, but I still pick up French usage from it and words like champignon.

YouTube recommends all kind of things to me when I go to the page. If something is interesting and short enough, I might watch it. Or at least listen to it. I listen to more things than I actually watch. And I subscribe to more than I listen to. :) I'm subscribed to dozens of pages I never even listen to. I keep thinking I should go in and unsubscribe from most of them and clean up the list. But anyway. Lately, YouTube's been recommending Christian dream videos, mostly about the rapture or the end times. I got curious and listened to some of them.

If there's a verse that contradicts a dream, it's pretty easy to tell it's bunk. Some of the dreams seem plausible. Some seem like day residue, especially the ones that are about people or events commonly in the news. I kind of think that God is giving some people dreams, and others are reading too much into regular dreams.

Should I tell you about this dream I had one time that was purely day residue? I think it was in the 90s. I dreamt I was on this subway train that had TVs in it all tuned to the same channel. The TVs were spaced at intervals. Above and below me were other trains all set to their own specific channel. It was like you had to stop at the train station and change trains to get to watch a different channel, although I don't remember doing that in the dream. It seemed like a really weird dream until I remembered what I did right before going to bed. I looked through the satellite TV guide. It's horizontal like a train track. The channels are stacked from top to bottom just like the trains in the dream. The programs are listed in half-hour intervals. Basically, the dream was something that had happened during the day reinterpreted into dream imagery. I've noticed that a very great number of dreams are like that.

Even though I haven't watched too many of the videos about the dreams, some people mention other people having dreams from God all the time. Dreams from God are biblical, but... All the time? In my own life, if God does something unusual, it turns out later that it's because I needed it to make it through some kind of terrible suffering. God just doesn't pour miracles and such into my life. If he shows up in an unusual and visible way, my reaction these days is "Argh! What kind of suffering am I going to need to know that for?"

When religious figures on TV talk about supernatural manifestations they've had or God showing up as a ball of light in their hotel room, for example, or telling them something in an audible voice, without talking about a tremendous test or trial that accompanied it, I tend to assume they're lying. I've seen one person who said that when God showed up, it meant some kind of suffering was coming. That guy was real. You don't get ark plans without a flood on the way.

God doesn't send me a bunch of dreams like some of the videos talk about. While listening, it was hard not to be skeptical. That kind of thing doesn't happen to me, I was thinking. But wait. Maybe it's just not very common. Do you remember the dream Marion had in Grandtown about Deirdre? A broken moon is still beautiful. That was a real dream I had about a real person I know who was raped and never really recovered from it. I didn't change any of it except the names and calling angels Divine Messengers. I put it in the book just like I dreamed it. The room of learning. The angel above the bus I couldn't see but knew was there. The dialogue. The cul-de-sac. The angel driving the bus was the only time I ever mentioned someone's skin color in the whole series. It's because that's who he was in the dream. And no, Deirdre wasn't based on that person from real life.

It was a strong dream. I knew it was from God, and he was telling me something. Now that I think about it, that person did cause me a lot of suffering later on. I hadn't made that connection until now. Hmm. Anyway, I ended up putting it in one of the books because it felt like the kind of thing that could help someone who needed to hear it. A broken moon is still beautiful.

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