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Friday, April 17, 2015

My Conspiracy Theory

In a previous blog I mentioned the American penchant for conspiracy theories. The Kennedy Assassination. Roswell, NM 1947. AIDS. Sept 11. There's a conspiracy for all them. For some people an event is never just an event. There somehow has to be some deeper meaning behind what the eye plainly sees. I can agree that what political leaders say in public can be radically different than reality behind the scenes. In a sense there's always a conspiracy going on, but I think it's more a conspiracy of knowledge, not necessarily a series of diabolical plots, although those do come to light from time to time.

Having said all that, some things in the public view make absolutely no sense. When that happens, we naturally try to connect the dots. Here's my homemade conspiracy theory about illegal immigration and its surprising cause.

America is facing an unprecedented invasion of illegal aliens. It's a threat to national security. Yet, somehow, the flow never stops. Does this, especially after Sept 11, make any sense? No. The first step to secure the nation is to secure the borders. If the borders are secure, there's no need for a Department of Homeland Security. By the way, why do we have DHS when the FBI and other agencies already do their job? That's a conspiracy theory all by itself. ;) So, we have porous borders where anyone, including documented cases of al qaeda operatives, can enter the country if they have the gumption to try. Does this make sense? No.

Several outbreaks of "mystery" diseases have cropped up in the U.S. A recent example. When it's obvious that illegal aliens are bringing third-world diseases into the country through the back door, these strange diseases are suddenly not mysteries anymore. Al qaeda aside, the health threats alone should be enough for congress to secure the borders. Failure to do so is inherently treasonous.

Why does congress fail to secure the borders even in the face of overwhelming threats to national security? One of the reasons is NAFTA and the SPP. Technically, North America is already or is in advanced stages of becoming the North American Union complete with a new currency, the Amero. This is well documented. Congress "can't" secure the borders for legal and political reasons any more than a European country could deny entry to other members of the European Union. Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are one country now. For quick proof, check products at the store. Anything with labeling in English, French and Spanish is a North American Union product. Other than the North American Union, I'm not aware of any other country that speaks those three languages as legal primary languages and requires labeling in them. But I'm kind of getting away from my conspiracy theory with all these facts. [For skeptics see also: Pacific Union, South American Union, Central Asian Union, African Union, Middle Eastern Union, Mediterranean Union and ask yourself if North America is going to the be the only region on the face of the planet that doesn't join together into one of ten unions in the new global government. That was only a partial list not including Russian and eastern European plans and treaties.]

Anyway, back to the conspiracy theory. Democrats, the welfare party, don't want to secure the borders because they can pull voters from millions of new welfare recipients, but that's too factual to be part of my conspiracy theory. Obama Amnesty Creates Loophole for Illegal Immigrants to Vote in Elections.

During the Bush administration, it was estimated that over 12 million illegal aliens had entered the country. That figure hasn't changed much since then, unless we're supposed to be adding these numbers together each year. Something isn't right in the reporting on the numbers, which is a red flag in and of itself. If any of it is close to accurate, there are now tens of millions of illegals in the country. And congress has allowed it regardless of party. Why? Why is congress allowing the country to be invaded and culturally destroyed? My opinion is that it's for spiritual reasons.

In 1973 abortion was made legal. Since then going on 20 million babies have been aborted. With 86% of states having a population of fewer than 10 million according to the last census, that's multiple states worth of people that don't exist and don't add to the economy. Illegal immigration makes up the numbers. It's so easy to imagine congressmen behind closed doors slapping each other on the back and congratulating themselves for the "wisdom" of their solution for replacing all the aborted babies. Year after year they drag their feet on securing the borders and keep counting illegals. Once they've replaced the aborted babies, congress will put a stop to the illegals and not one second sooner.

Illegal immigration is partly a direct cause and effect result of abortion. God is not mocked. By destroying the innocent, we've destroyed our future. Culturally, America will not survive the illegal invasion short of divine intervention. That's another reason it's allowed, to change the culture to one that can be more easily controlled.

From abortion to illegal aliens. The media never connects the dots. The public never connects the dots. I'm connecting the dots, and that's my conspiracy theory.

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