In 2016 the American people spoke. They wanted Donald Trump as President. The Democrat party refused to accept the will of the American people and began a long harassment campaign to overthrow the lawfully elected government of the United States of America. That was the reason behind the Russia accusations, accusations that continued even after the Obama administration investigated the claims and Obama appeared on national television to declare that there was no link between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Obama publicly exonerated Trump.
We're in the midst of rioting in multiple cities. According to the governor of Minnesota, 80% of the rioters in Minneapolis are from out of state and 50% of the protesters are from out of state. There are other reports of the same type of thing in other cities as well as television reports of pallets of bricks being shipped to protest areas for rioters to use. Who's behind all this?
Projection Power
The riots are the Democrat party projecting power. They're too weak politically to achieve their goals. They're moved from harassment to violence. The Democrat party is using the riots to send a signal to their enemies and allies that they now have a trained, organized military force capable of destroying any police station and taking over any city in the country. When Trump threatens to send in the military, what he saying is, That's your army? This is mine. When he speaks of invoking the Insurrection Act, which is designed to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion, he's sending a signal that the Democrats are in rebellion against the lawfully elected government of the United States and are engaged in insurrection.
If you watch video of the rioters, the body language of the group dressed in dark, pseudo-uniforms has no anger in it. They move like soldiers or police officers. In other words, they have military training. The Democrat party now his its own private army, an army that doesn't respect the United States or its laws. The rioters aren't carrying guns. When was the last time you saw a criminal without a gun? It's part of a deliberate strategy designed to cut the hands off of the police. If the police fired on "unarmed" rioters, it would inflame the situation even more. Not carrying guns is very clever. The police can no longer use their main weapon: deadly force. Taking that weapon away from the police is very clever. The police have been unable to overcome this tactic. What should they do? They should stop arresting and releasing rioters. Rioters need to stay in jail. They should consider the use of tranquilizer guns. True, that's a very unwieldy solution but one that should be tested. It does the same thing deadly force does without being deadly. Media coverage of the riots should be stopped in one city to see if the riots would stop without media coverage. If it works, all media coverage of riots should be stopped.
The End of Democracy?
We're in an extremely dangerous situation. A major party is and has been actively engaged in attempting to overthrow the lawfully elected government. That's treason, and it's open. The Republican party is too weak and indecisive to put an end to it. By refusing to accept the will of the people and by using violence to overthrow the government, the Democrat party is behaving as a fascist organization. They're doing the same things the Nazi party did before it took over. The riots are our Kristallnacht moment. They attack victims and then blame the victims for the attacks. If not stopped, the Democrats are on the way to overthrowing the government and instituting a fascist dictatorship the same way the Nazis did. Never forget that Hitler was elected. Whether the riots end with the Democrat army killing Trump and Pence and installing the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, as President or whether it corrupts the election process to ensure a Democrat victory, only time will tell.
The Obama administration used fascist tactics to attack enemies of the state. Specifically, he used the IRS to attack Christians and conservatives. He put Christians on the terrorist watch list. Since then, the Democrat party has degraded even further into open violence and insurrection. If they ever regain the White House, it's very likely that democracy in the U.S. will end.
Remove Police?
Some Democrats are calling for defunding police. This is part of a strategy to remove the first line of defense that Americans have against criminals like the rioters. If police are defunded, who takes their place? The rioters, of course. They're militarily trained. Armed with guns instead of bricks, they would begin to "enforce the peace." The United States would be under military occupation, but no one would call it that. The Gestapo is here. They want their power back.
Who's funding it?
Thousands of private soldiers are deploying to a lot of cities to riot. Bricks are being shipped by the pallet. All of that costs money. Are big tech companies funding this? Did they fund the training? We need to follow the money. Big, liberal tech companies are refusing to accept the will of the American people. By attempting to exert their own will, they, too, are acting like fascists.
It Turned off Like a Faucet
When the Democrats engaged in terrorism in 2016, it turned off like a faucet. If they wanted it to, the riots could be turned off the same way. This brings up a great question. In Europe terrorist organizations like Hisb'allah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc., attack people, destroy property, burn cars, riot, etc. Since the Democrat party is doing the exact same things in America, why is the DNC not banned as a terrorist organization.
The DNC has to be stopped before they can institute a fascist dictatorship. They're following the same path the Nazis walked. We can't allow the United States to become a Democrat-controlled dictatorship.
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