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Friday, June 26, 2020

The Unreported Subtext

It's obvious by now that rioting and destruction of statues have nothing to do with any police killing. What exactly is the agenda behind destroying statues and taking down paintings?

Social justice warriors. If you're online enough, you see news stories about social justice warriors doing insane things in the name of social justice. You may even have heard that social justice warriors are fighting for "equality." That sounds good on paper, but reality is far different. Social justice is a pillar of Marxism. The concept of social justice is that all human suffering is because people aren't equal. Or perhaps don't feel equal? If people could be made equal, human suffering would end, utopia would spring forth! and mankind would enter a paradise. One could call it a workers paradise. Individuals are irrelevant and only the group counts. Can you name the most famous social justice warrior of the 20th century? Adolph Hitler. The Nazis were unstoppable social justice warriors who constantly fought "injustice" against whomever. It was all a trick to gain votes and power just like it is now.

Tearing down statues is part of a strategy. The purpose is to destroy cultural icons. It's destroying images of the past. It's removing a culture's history and reminders of who they are as a people. Defunding police is a part of the same strategy. The purpose of that is to destroy cultural institutions. The United States is about law and order. The police are part of the American cultural institution of law and order. If the police are removed, who will take their place? Heroes of the revolution, left-wing fascist groups.

When you connect all the dots, what we're seeing on the news is a coordinated attempt at a Marxist-style revolution. They're trying to bring about an American spring just like the Arab spring. They're attacking American cultural statues, not just Confederate ones. Defacing the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument have nothing to do with a police killing. It has purpose.

The problem with Marxism is that it inevitably, inevitably leads to genocide. Over 100,000,000 people were murdered in the 20th century alone in the name of Marxism and by extension social justice. One hundred million people is a lot. If the rioters and revolutionaries have their way, genocide will come to the U.S. Everyone murdered in the riots was murdered in the name of social justice. Technically, the genocide is already here. If successful, it won't stop. They'll go after all enemies. Christians, Jews, Republicans, Conservatives. Anyone who speaks the truth will be an enemy.

Political correctness is social fascism. It's a deliberate strategy to eliminate free speech in the U.S., and it originates from Marxist forces that have come out of hiding in recent weeks. There's been an escalation of firings based on political correctness. People who have broken no laws are losing their jobs because they had the courage to point out that the Democrat party is doing something wrong. Free speech is only allowed if it's approved by the party.

The media is underplaying and misrepresenting the threat to the democracy. If it goes beyond a few, violent troublemakers, we'll end up in a genuine fight for freedom in this country. Now is the time to stand up against the Nazis, not later when it would be too late. The riots are our Kristallnacht moment. Now is the time for focused prayer. Our founding documents are our covenant with God. If this revolution destroys our Constitution, it will break our covenant connection to God. The U.S. would become a country like the other countries. We need to invoke our covenant in prayer.

If the government is incapable of facing this threat the way it's incapable of facing the pandemic, it will be up to the people to stop the evil. Forewarned is forearmed.

Have a great weekend.

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