Revelation 13:16,17
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The mark of the beast isn't here, but for the first time in history we have two major stories about a system that does the same thing the mark of the beast does. The first story is for an immunity registry. I saw an interview with the politician proposing this. Basically, what the immunity registry does is deny people the right to work unless they can prove they're immune to SARS-CoV-2. This ignores the fact that some people's bodies don't produce enough antibodies to register on a test. The second story is about an immunity passport. Like the immunity registry, it would deny non-immune people the right to work. According to an interview on TV, someone has proposed that the immunity passport be a tattoo. If you know the Bible, you already know the mark of the beast will be a tattoo.
So, how exactly is this a mark of the beast precursor? People who do not have the immunity "mark" will not be able to earn money to buy things and would stay under lockdown or other restrictions. Would people under lockdown be allowed to sell things? We don't have full details yet. This system is only one step away from not being able to buy or sell period. Turning it into that would streamline it. Legally, corporations are people, people that are composed of other people. The immunity mark would directly prevent corporations from buying or selling unless the people working inside the corporation have the immunity mark. This is what the mark of the beast is for, to prevent buying and selling. Since corporations make the rules, they would apply the no buying or selling rule to ordinary people at some point. If they have to do it, we have to do it. Knowing that SARS-CoV-2 will hit in waves, this could happen as soon as two or three waves away.
There doesn't seem to be a pressing reason for these governments to be proposing immunity marks. SARS-CoV-2 is a temporary problem that "should" be gone in 18 to 24 months. It's a solution without a problem. At some point we'll have the famous herd immunity the news keeps mentioning or a vaccine. Why spend money creating another system when the problem is already going away? It would have to be global and would cause a tremendous amount of transitional pain. It's almost like governments want to reset the system to suit their own purposes. Picture how this would play out. No one would be able to join the new world system(new world order?) without the immunity mark. A side effect would be that everyone on earth would be identified in a database. Like the Patriot Act, I suspect this "solution" has been sitting in a drawer waiting for the right emergency.
Don't forget. The Antichrist has not risen to power. Even if this immunity mark goes into law preventing people from buying or selling, it won't be the mark of the beast until the Antichrist is in power. However, the immunity mark shows how close the final mark is and shows that governments already want that kind of system in place.
These are stories of interest I've noticed lately. With SARS-CoV-2 news being censored so heavily, it's hard to find any real news.
When a health care system is overwhelmed, just sedate the dying and let nature happen.
China wants to use Coronavirus to take over the world. I'm not saying this is real, but it's interesting.
This one's in French. A British soccer player in England invited prostitutes to stay with him during the pandemic.
This is one of various stories about food being lost during the pandemic. Will this lead to food shortages?
Gangs in El Salvador are enforcing lockdown. What?
Political correctness is a form of mental illness. A nurse was suspended for refusing to treat SARS-CoV-2 patients without a mask. This sounds like a story I heard the other day. In that one there weren't enough masks to go around, so the healthcare facility wouldn't let people who had them wear them. They didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable.
New York City is making mass graves. They're not calling them that, of course.
Have a great weekend.
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