Over the past week Coronavirus cases in the county next door have doubled, and the ones in my county have tripled, bringing the totals to 2 and 3 respectively. The governor has declared a statewide lockdown until the 13th with the option to extend it.
After finding too many people who are supposed to be under lockdown making vacation reservations here, my county government has banned reservations and has ordered tourists to go home. We don't want more than the 3 cases we already have.
An update on the Israeli SARS-CoV-2 vaccine attempt.
Where's the real News?
The thing I find most annoying about the SARS, I mean Covid-19, pandemic is the lack of information. Is it censorship or a reflection of the decay of the news media? I know things are being censored. But I also know how dependent news outlets are on governments state and local and businesses for their news stories. A lot of what news pushers do is rewrite press releases and call it news. With so many businesses shut down, the press releases have all but stopped. I see news outlets using a massive amount of empty filler and calling it news.
I watched an hour-long broadcast on Fox news that had about zero news content. They were doing stuff like interviewing a man who was gushing about how awesome it is that people are posting pictures on social media. He said it shows who people really are and lets us connect with each other. /facepalm
The local news out of Atlanta isn't much better. I taped an hour-long news broadcast. So light and fluffy. They didn't even broadcast the governor's lockdown order that was made the same day.
Some real news.
In Ecuador people are leaving bodies on the streets. Some are wrapping them in plastic. In Sweden there's no lockdown. The government is informing the public of the risk and letting them handle it. In New York they're using fork lifts to move bodies. In Italy no one over 60 gets a ventilator. They stopped treating heart attacks and strokes a while back. In Spain no one over 65 gets a ventilator. In New York heart attack victims are no longer allowed ER treatment. If they can't be resuscitated on site, they're allowed to die. Instead of denying treatment based on age, the U.S. hospital system has been discussing a do not resuscitate policy for SARS-CoV-2 victims, even if they could have been saved.
It sounds like NYC is in the middle of a catastrophe, but there's so little information coming out of there. The forklift video was broadcast on TV but without any context. There was no story to go with it. It was a few seconds accompanied by a one or two sentence voice over. If this thing is serious, I want to know exactly what's happening in case it comes here. Do bodies go to funeral homes? Do bodies outgas virus cells? What is NY doing with the bodies? Are they being cremated like in China? What are different states doing to handle the crisis? Is this a real crisis at all?
Based on the latest numbers, the death rate in the U.S. is 0% of the total population.
6907/330,000,000 = 0%
The global fatality rate is also 0%.
58,243/7,700,000,000 = 0%
Put those numbers(deaths divided by total population) into a calculator. The percentage is so small it shifts to scientific notation. I think the real problem isn't that mass numbers of people are dying because they're not. I think it's that the ones who are dying are doing it in such a relatively short span of time that the health and death care systems are overwhelmed. How can I say mass numbers of people aren't dying? People are dying by the tens of thousands. In the 1918 pandemic people were dying by the tens of millions. The current death total is below 100,000. Maybe it'll jump into the millions later. Who knows?
I've faced something worse than SARS-CoV-2 before.
I bought Cities Skylines, a city building simulator, on sale a while back and played it some. If sewage isn't handled correctly in the game, people start dying. If you don't know sewage is the problem, a problem that can be very subtle, it leads to a mass die off. I had that happen. I had built up a city to a pretty large scale, and nearly everyone died. The healthcare system was overwhelmed. The death care system, especially, was overwhelmed. Cemeteries filled up. I didn't have enough ambulances to move the bodies. I had to do mass cremations. I had to bulldoze a gazillion buildings. My city almost had to start over from scratch but with a large street system. It was good in a way because it let me upgrade older streets without having to worry about occupied buildings, but I digress. SARS-CoV-2 is nowhere near as bad as my sewage problem in Cities Skylines. We're not bulldozing abandoned buildings. Society isn't starting over from scratch.
No one could have foreseen this?
The government is saying no one could have foreseen this. Not long ago there was a show on the History Channel, I believe, about the Reston, VA, Ebola outbreak. The Hot Zone "The frightening spread of the EVD (Ebolavirus)."
TNT is currently running a series from 2014 called The Last Ship. "The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new
existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population."
The #2 most-streamed movie in history has become Contagion. "Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the CDC works to find a cure."
Many people have foreseen this in books, television shows and movies.
The Democrat party and liberal news media have been attacking the President during a crisis. This smells like treason.
Anyone with a brain saw quite a while back that New York City at the least needed to go into quarantine for the safety of the rest of the country. The President floated that possibility for NY, NJ and parts of CT as a trial balloon. There was no quarantine. Apparently, the governors of those states rebelled behind the scenes. Like the Obama administration's pandemic, liberal governors in this one are willing to let everyone else die to save them some inconvenience and loss of political power.
It's become apparent over the last few years that the Democrat party is not only un-American. They're anti-American. They hate America. They hate the truth. They hate our morals and values. They hate our freedoms. They hate our opinions. They hate everything this country stands for. And it's on open display for everyone to see. We're coming to a point in history beyond which either the United States survives or the Democrat party survives. Let's make it America that survives. The Democrat party is an existential threat that needs to be removed from power before they destroy this country.
Have a great weekend.
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