This was a good week on the writing front. Before that I'd been battling an infection that drained my energy. My niece was in town for almost two weeks. But this week was almost back to normal. I'm getting closer to seeing the end in sight. I can always use prayers, of course.
Last week I didn't get to mention the attack in Texas in which five police officers were assassinated. Obama blamed the police. If you're a European reader and it's not reported there, almost everything he says about race is inflammatory. It's like his remarks are designed to create racial animosity between whites and blacks. Some people have figured this out.
I say that to bring up censorship. The media seemed allergic to calling the attack last week Islamic terrorism. The current president was born in Kenya and raised Muslim. He refuses to use the phrase Islamic terrorism. I've seen one story focusing on the Islamic ties to the attack. Several of the suspects in the attack attended a mosque.
What I think I'm seeing in Texas is an Islamic terrorist attack that's not being called that. The Fort Hood terror attack was called "workplace violence" despite the fact that the Muslim terrorist shouted allahu akbar throughout the attack. It took the president six years to call that attack terrorism. Since he'll be out of office soon, he'll probably never call the one last week terrorism.
That brings me to the Nice attacks. American media was quick to say we shouldn't blame Islam or Muslims for that attack. Donald Trump was attacked by the media for "jumping the gun" for even mentioning the possibility. I read a French article about the attack. It talked about Islamic terrorism and how that's what the attack looked like. It referenced a terrorist who called for Muslims to attack people with cars, etc. (Which by the way, I was happy I could read. All that practice is finally paying off. I didn't have to look up many words. It was really nice.)
Today the American media stories about the Nice attack are about the driver's road rage conviction and about some other crime he committed. One article called it a "truck attack".
I hope that wasn't too rambling. My point is censorship. The current political administration has created an atmosphere in which the media is discouraged from reporting certain facts or saying certain things or using certain phrases. Some of the direct censorship is done though legal means by use of "national security". Some censorship is done by intimidation. For instance, news organizations get money from readers/viewers. Interviews interest readers/viewers. Administration officials selectively grant interviews based on how favorably a news source reports on the administration. If news sources fail to report certain things, they can get the interviews. Without the interviews, they lose money. The media censorship becomes self-censorship. Most of it takes place behind the scenes, though occasionally someone will speak out.
Sometimes reporters die mysteriously. This has nothing to do with the government.
A guy named Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel kills a bunch of infidels, and the American media can't quite figure out what's going on. And I'm supposed to believe this is freedom of the press and democracy. When did telling the truth become a crime in this country?
But that's not all the news. Last week a 61-yr-old man in Ontario using only his fists got into a fight with a mother bear defending her cub. How did he fight that bear? Like a boss.
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