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Friday, July 8, 2016

Equal Justice Under the Law?

I've mentioned my internet speed is low, and I need an upgrade. I check with my ISP every month or two to see if the switch I'm hooked into will be upgraded. With my ISP being in the local paper so much this year about this problem, it was looking good. They've received a $175million government grant to get it done after all. I talked to someone at my ISP. My switch is not on the schedule, which means in all likelihood it won't be done this year. :(

I found two wireless options, but they're available down the road and not where I live. One of the things I need the extra bandwidth for is uploading YouTube videos. I was hoping something good would happen to make that easier. I suppose I'll start making videos and just deal with the problems. What kind of problems? One of the channels I watch has sound glitches. The guy who runs that channel has to re-upload affected videos to make it go away. He said it takes forever. Sometimes he has to do it three times for a single video. I don't think my videos will be very short. But on to bigger things.

As you've probably seen, Hillary will not be prosecuted for her crimes, crimes that FBI Director Comey admitted to under oath.(Ignore that fact that Trey Gowdy looks like Legolas.) People have gone to jail for sending ONE email with classified material in it.Hillary sent over a hundred, and those are the ones they know about. Thousands of emails were scrubbed from her server. Even some Democrats are mad about this one. As far I know, there's someone in jail right now for sending one classified email. They need to let that person go.

The rich are above the law in general, etc. I didn't want to go into all that. I want to take you behind the curtain and show you something the mainstream media will never cover.

That's Joe Biden last October deciding not to run for president after months of speculation. The speculation began when it looked like Hillary would be going to jail. The Democrats were going to run Biden instead. Then suddenly, he didn't run. At the time it didn't make a lot of sense. The FBI was onto Hillary. But she kept saying their investigation was no big deal and other things like that. She even lied and said it was a security review. The FBI does criminal investigations. It was a criminal investigation, and the FBI contradicted her publicly.

The Democrats would never have allowed her to run if there had been any chance she would be in jail or on trial. She would have been forced to step aside. It would have been too embarrassing for the party and too damaging to other Democrat candidates. Joe Biden(or Bernie Sanders) would be the candidate today. I have to conclude that the decision not to prosecute was made last October at the latest and Democrats were informed of that. Everything done in the investigation since then has been for the sake of completeness. If anyone objected the decision, the Democrats could point to an exhausting investigation and say that it's all over and done, let it rest. The proof that they knew ahead of time is that Biden didn't run.

I further conclude that Republicans have also known since last year that there would be no charges for Hillary's crimes and took advantage of it to beat her up in the press to improve their side's chances in the next election.

I hope this peek behind the curtain was enlightening. Personally, I need to be paying closer attention when politicians do and say things that don't make sense in case it foreshadows something they already know. The press will never cover these types of shenanigans. Backroom deals are being made all the time.

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