It appears the problem with my computer is the CPU, the most expensive thing that could have gone wrong. That's based on looking up the symptoms online. The video card wasn't the culprit. I skipped checking the memory since it never booted to the point of giving me a memory error message. The network port had a green light showing it was alive and a yellow light showing the computer couldn't connect to it, so that was good. At least it knew there was a network and that it should try to connect. The power supply and fan worked fine. Nearly the only thing left was the CPU, although the motherboard could be damaged in some way, but I don't think it is.
All things considered, I ordered a new CPU last night for $244.45. Ouch! Add another $7.10 today for thermal paste. I can't really afford the expense, but it's such a necessity if I want to keep writing and interneting. The thermal paste "should" arrive Wednesday. I'm still waiting for shipping info on the CPU.
If this doesn't fix it, then the next step would be a new motherboard. If it does fix it, then I'm immediately uninstalling Windows 10. I wasn't having problems before "upgrading". No blue screens of death. No series of inexplicable reboots. No weirdness or any indication of any kind of impending hardware failure.
In the meantime I'm using an emergency computer. It's older and slower and loud. It occasionally locks up and could die altogether. However, it runs OpenOffice, and I've been getting some good work done on the next book. And yes, I'm backing up!
Email came in while I was typing. The CPU should get here by the end of the week at the latest.
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