I don't listen to secular radio stations at home or in the car, but I hear them when I'm out. Of course, I listened to tons of it when I was a strapping young lad. Sometimes I'll think of a secular song or hear one and wonder if it's okay to add it to my song list. I'll check the lyrics. I've noticed something. Usually, there's a single line that ruins the whole song. The rest of it can seem Biblically okay. Then there's that one line that clearly violates the word. It's a drop of poison in a spoonful of sugar.
The Bible doesn't have the concept of partial truth. Something is either true or it isn't. It even says that false prophets can prophesy things that come to pass. That's not the test. The test is the false prophecy. All it takes is one. The 1800s had two great false prophets in the U.S., Joseph Smith of Mormonism and Ellen White of Seventh Day Adventism. Neither appears to have been Christian much less a prophet, but they knew how to put on a good show. To this day their followers ignore the lies and concentrate only on the things that give the appearance of lining up with the word. Had those false prophets lived in ancient Israel, they would have been stoned to death and all their writings burned. We would not know their names.
Joseph Smith prophesied that a temple would be built in Missouri before the people of his generation died. Ellen White prophesied to an entire congregation that she would still be alive when Jesus returned and that some of them would be, too. They're all dead, and those things never happened. They both made multiple false prophecies. I tested the spirit of Adventism one time and discovered that the spirit
behind it was the same spirit behind Mormonism. Satan was busy in the 1800s, but that's a blog for
another day. I'll give a sneak preview. A critical link that ties them together is freemasonry.
The Mormon church just released photographs of Joseph Smith's "seer stone". It's kind of like a magical rock that allegedly helped him to translate secret writings. The Mormon church are releasing some information to the public to help people find them more accessible or something. Adventists did the same thing in 1899. They published all the writings of Ellen White up to that time. It turned out to be a disaster. They contained false prophecies, blasphemies and things that didn't line up with the Bible. Adventists literally had to send people around the world to steal copies out of libraries and replace them with updated, edited versions. I wonder if the Mormons learned from that.
A little leaven leavens the whole lump. It can be hard to find the leaven sometimes, especially when people are deliberately trying to hide it behind a coating of sugar.
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