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Friday, February 6, 2015

Sequel Progress

I finally got a haircut yesterday. I'd been trying since Monday to get it done, and it needed doing last week. It wasn't that long just scruffy looking. Sometimes my barber comments that I'm in for a trim. From my perspective it's always getting too long and unmanageable. I wonder which one of us is right. ;) So, speaking of hair, I've noticed that long hair on a man seems to be a sign of spiritual rebellion. I don't have a verse for that. It's more of an observation based on personal experience, including my younger days. 1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, One translation says degrades himself instead of disgrace. Maybe a degraded exterior reflects something wrong spiritually in the heart?

I heard from the test reader I hadn't heard back from and mailed out a copy. It's supposed to arrive today. She's a fast, observant reader. I should hear back soon. I've already gotten other good feedback. Can you believe there were still errors to find? I know! One of them was in last week's preview. I had a her instead of a here, totally embarrassing. I fixed it immediately like it never even happened.

More slowly than I'd like, it's all coming together. Aside from fixes and changes to clear up confusing paragraphs, the big thing now is the cover art. I could use some prayers on that.

While waiting for the books to ship to me and get re-shipped and to get feedback, I've been working on the rough draft for the young adult book I mentioned the other day. The main character is a 16-yr-old girl who gets trapped in virtual reality in an espionage game. They say to write what you know. I've never been a 16-yr-old girl, but I used to play MMORPGs back in the day. I'm putting my vast experience playing video games to work. It turns out I wasn't wasting my life at all. :) My plan is to work on this between sequel books. I went through the outline for the next two books in the sequel this week to get ready for those. There's more to do on the outline, but the main things are already done. It's just a matter of details now. Which is also where I am in the espionage book. The outline is done. I need to fill in some pesky details. What kind of details? Instead of fighting a faceless government organization, I gave the hero a villain to oppose her. That's already in the book, but it changes the ending. I need to figure out one critical step to get them together for the final confrontation, which is already plotted. Maybe I'm rambling. I'm out of time anyway. See you next time.

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