It was another week of working on the online stores. I did little if anything to Etsy and focused mostly on the Adobe stock art store. I've uploaded 333 images. Thirty-nine have been rejected. Over 20 needed corrections to key words or the title, I think. More on that in minute. One hundred eighty-five are "In Review", some of which have been in review for 8 days despite the promise that "Thank you for your submission, your files will be reviewed by the moderation team within the next few days." One hundred nine have been uploaded but not formally submitted because I haven't had time to do key words for them yet as well as additional research.
Adobe has been super frustrating to work with. It takes a long time to make the images and do the key words, even using the suggested key words, which are far from perfect and sometimes don't match the image. Their entire system is antiquated. Part of the problem is that they don't communicate. For the rejections, they give a list of possible reasons. What? They know exactly, specifically why it was rejected, but they won't tell you specifically. Why not tell me so I can make sure I don't make that mistake again in the future? It's the same for the ones needing possible key word or title corrections. They give a list of things it might be and let you guess what needs fixing. Why? They've identified a very specific thing that needs to be fixed. Why not communicate that? Why make me guess from a list of possibilities? Uh, why not fix it automatically?
Another problem is that their old system can't differentiate between a cartoon of a person and a photo of a person. I have multiple digital art images with human faces. Adobe wants a "model release" before they'll publish it. Um, it's basically a cartoon. Cartoons can't sign model releases. Even if I was using human models, there's no upload button for the release form! I literally couldn't upload a model release if I wanted to. Which I may do if I can find a way. Since it's a fictitious person, I don't see why I can't make up a fictitious model biography like I would do for a fictitious person in a book. Why yes, Adobe, she was born in 2162 on Jupiter Station. She signed it right there. Fortunately, very few of the images involve people.
Just for the record, I did an image search on all the submissions with faces. One of them was similar to a comic book character. Not a match but similar. I won't win that battle. I deleted it. The others don't match anyone, although one is similar to one other online face image. However, it's not a match. I'm going to fight for that one if I can.
With only 30 images for sale instead of 300+, I've had no sales. Still no sales on Etsy. I need to focus more on that, especially since Adobe seems to be doing nothing with my submissions now.
It's hard to fathom why they're so hostile to customers. I'm getting the impression they only want large customers with tens of thousands of images.
Have a great weekend.
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