I was able to buy a bottle of 91% rubbing alcohol. It hasn't been available since March. Other things are still unavailable. Someone I know was just this week able to buy a type of mixed beans that hasn't been on the shelf for months. There are all kinds of things still out of stock because of Covid-19 supply chain disruptions, but the media doesn't think it's newsworthy. Is it being censored in order to give the impression that things are normal, or is the media too caught up in ratings grabs on salacious nonsense?
The weird thing about the riots is that they're all based on lies. The things the people claim they're rioting over don't exist. They're part of a political narrative not reality. They're pure spin. The word spin began being used in the political sphere to replace the word propaganda. The riots are based on lies and propaganda. I find it amazing that so many people can't tell a lie from the truth. I know the education system is dumbed down, but is it really producing masses of "idiots" who can't tell the truth from a lie? Rioters are children throwing temper tantrums against things they don't like. What if people who don't like riots started attacking rioters to protest the destruction of riots?
What would you think about putting rioters in solitary confinement in a FEMA camp for 10 years with no access to liberal media sources? We could build a skyscraper in a desert with solitary confinement cells instead of normal cells. It's a thought experiment I've been conducting. It may seem harsh, but the rioters are trying to overthrow the government. The penalty for treason is death. Ten years in solitary is light in comparison to what they deserve.
It turns out that the man who died while under the knee of a police officer had a lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system, but the liberals censored the autopsy result of it. He was dying before the police ever got there. Seemingly, the knee had nothing to do with the death. The perpetrator was complaining about not being able to breathe while he was still upright and not under duress. Time for the riots to stop.
It's been a bit of a tiring week. There's no news on the book front.
Have a great weekend.
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