The Messengers of Yesh Web Address

Friday, August 28, 2020


Trump pardoned a grandmother who had been serving a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense. While she was at the White House for that, Robert Jeffress was also there. I'm not really familiar with him, although I've seen him on news shows several times. Since he was there, Trump asked him to pray for the grandmother. During the prayer, he mentioned Jesus three times, twice as the "Lord Jesus Christ" and once as "Jesus Christ our Saviour." And then, somewhere in America, liberal heads exploded. Under the Trump administration I've seen people practicing freedom of religion in a way liberals wouldn't normally tolerate. It's amazing how tolerant and inclusive Trump is in his actions.

In contrast, during the Democrat National Convention, the Democrats took the words "under God" out of the pledge of allegiance twice. It's amazing how intolerant and excluding they are.

In Covid news, the media released a report about someone who was reinfected with a slightly different strain of the virus than he had the first time he caught it. The infections were in April and May, about a month apart. If you've been reading this blog, you already knew that 60% of people who get infected don't develop antibodies, and 14% of the people who develop them lose them within a number of weeks. You also already knew that asymptomatic carriers are taking lung damage and presumably other organ damage as well despite feeling fine. Apparently, the powers that be are preparing the nation for the next wave and the inevitability of reinfections.

Have a great weekend.

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