If you've ever wondered why Congress refuses to stop illegal immigration, this article, [sic]Birth rate drops to an all-time low in the United States, is part of the answer. Without illegals, the population in the U.S. would be shrinking. A major factor in this shrinkage is abortion. Going on 60 million Americans have been murdered through abortion. The population of New York State is a little over 19 million. We've lost the equivalent of three states the size of New York. Even before it hits 60 million, we'll have lost more than three New Yorks. That's unacceptable.
The main problem with illegal immigrants is that they're not coming here to become Americans. They're bringing and maintaining their own separate cultures, cultures that are inferior to traditional American values. Their cultures are not equal to ours. They're dragging us down.
Democrats and Republicans alike are allowing this invasion force. They're patting themselves on the back for "solving" the abortion problem, but their "solution" is literally destroying this country. Multiple cultures can't exist simultaneously. In the end only one can survive. The Democrat playbook states that thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis. The Democrat party is pushing illegal immigration as hard as they can, because they want to destroy American culture and replace it with a synthesis culture that they can control. For example, welfare recipients vote Democrat. That population is controlled. In order to gain that control, Democrats had to destroy the American work ethic in that population. Having succeeded with that, they want to gain control of the entire country through illegal immigration.
Democrat party beliefs and values used to be un-American. It's to the point now that they're not just un-American but anti-American. We're at a point in history beyond which either the Democrat party survives or the United States survives. It can't be both. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same country for any length of time. In the end only one culture can be dominant. If American culture is to survive, the Democrat party has to end.
Have a great weekend.
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