Trump was exonerated this week of the charges that he was in some kind of nefarious conspiracy with the Russians. Back in 2017, I made a post discussing why the Russia story is fake news. Now that the investigation is over and everyone can see the accusation was always fake, let's expose the lie behind it.
Before he left office, Obama investigated Trump to see if he had conspired with the Russians to change the results of the election. His administration found that there was nothing to the accusations. Trump was not connected to the Russians. The accusations continued. They were a political tool and nothing more. There was never any evidence whatsoever to support them. The Democrats knew and still know that the accusations were made up.
Why did the Democrats use the Russians? Why not the Chinese or some other country? Democrat leaders are generally old. The grew up during an era called the Cold War. During that time period, the Soviet Union, generally referred to as "the Russians" in that era, was the enemy of the United States. Remnants of that continue in our culture today. Having been humiliatingly defeated in 2016 in one of the most amazing political victories in American history, the Democrats were in a panic. They were weaker than they've been since the 1920s. That's so long ago that the KKK was an official wing of the Democrat party and people still remembered that the Republican Abraham Lincoln "freed the slaves". The old-timey leadership fell back into some kind of knee-jerk reaction to Cold War thinking and blamed Trump's victory on the Russians. It was a lie, but it was all they had. They put everything into it.
Now that Trump has been proven innocent, the Democrats and their media puppets are railing that it's not true. They're still fighting the bad fight. No matter what has been, is being or will be said, the truth will always be obvious by one fact: If the Russians had tampered with the elections, the results would have been thrown out. That's a big fact that cannot be gotten around. Even if they couldn't connect Trump to some nefarious tampering, the government would still have been obligated to nullify the results and hold new elections. That did not happen, because there was never any evidence of tampering. It was all a false accusation from the very beginning. There was never more than a pro forma look at the election results. The likely reason for that is that the only tampering that would have been uncovered would have been Democrat and Republican tampering, but that's a blog of its own.
Think about this. The Democrats don't need evidence of Trump's involvement with tampering. All they need is evidence of tampering. Why didn't Obama produce it? Why do they never produce it today? If they're so convinced that tampering took place and that Trump was behind it, where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? They never show any, because they don't have any. All they have are sour grapes after a massive rejection of their candidate by the American people. All they have are lying accusations.
The entire Russia accusation is a political tactic. It always has been. It always will be. If the Democrats wanted Trump gone, all they had to do was bring out their evidence of tampering. The courts would have done the rest. Where is the evidence?
There will be clouds and clouds of distraction from the Democrats in an attempt to smear Trump. Enough of accusations. They either need to show us the proof or sit down and shut up.
Have a great weekend.