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Friday, November 9, 2018

How Could They?

I think it's that time again, the time when I talk about politics. Since 2016, I've become more and more disgusted with the liberal media and the left. Take the Russia thing. Before Obama left office, his administration investigated and cleared Trump of the accusation. Consider that. One of the most corrupt administrations in the history of this country said Trump was innocent. Despite that, the Democrat party wouldn't stop talking about it. The false accusations and lies never stopped. The baseless attacks by the media have been relentless. They began accusing him of all kinds of things before he even had a chance to do anything in office at all. It's been rabid and perhaps insane as if they were being controlled by malevolent supernatural entities. The lack of integrity in the media and among the Democrat party since 2016 has thoroughly disgusted me. And it's been in sight of the public.

How in the world could this country have given control of the house back to the Democrats when they're clearly incompetent to rule? Historically, it was expected that that would happen. The party opposite the President usually wins the congress. Nevertheless, I'm extremely disappointed by such a large step backward, especially after the inexcusable behavior of the left. The silver lining is that the Republicans control the Senate, which means good things for Supreme Court justices. On the whole it turned out better than expected. The Democrats took the house back, but they did worse than anticipated.

In Europe terrorists protest, riot, burn cars and attack people. Terrorist organizations are banned over there. After the 2016 elections Democrats protested, rioted, burned cars and attacked people. Should we should think about banning the Democrat party as a terrorist organization? It seems logical, especially after the last two years.

Washington, D.C. has a lot of problems. We all know this. The way I see it the Democrat party and the Republican party are the two main problems. If we could get rid of them both, the other problems would solve themselves. Neither one of them are interested in solving the problems of the country. The "problems" they keep trying to solve are how to get reelected and how to find more time on the golf course. I don't see those as problems.

Let's talk treason. When congressmen are sent to Washington, they vote on bills that become laws. The votes do not belong to the congressmen. They belong to the people. Every time a congressman trades or sells a vote, that's theft. Every time they vote according to an order given by a party official, that's theft. That's violation of their oaths of office. That's treason. Maybe not hang them all from a lamppost treason, but it's still treason against the Constitution and treason against the American people. It's a blatant violation of their fiduciary responsibilities to voters. Both parties are rust from the past. As long as they stick around, we'll never have a bright future.

So, last week I reported that Tesla had made a Q3 profit. It turns out they fudged the numbers by reporting money from previous quarters as third quarter profits. It appears they made a little money but only a little and not the way they massaged the numbers to make it look.

Despite all that, have a great weekend. :)

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