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Friday, November 30, 2018

He Never Came Back

This is Lynx the stray cat I befriended. He went from wild and unmannered to a big love kitty who learned to respect certain boundaries. It took a while, but he learned that walking up and grabbing a leg with his claws is not a standard human greeting. In the beginning I would see him in the distance, and he would run if he saw me. Eventually, after seeing me in the yard so much, he decided I was his person and would sit in my lap. He hated the rain. I guess it made it harder to hear enemies. This is the best picture I have of him. He was in a great pose. When I snapped it, he meowed at me at just the right moment. He disappeared several months ago in a rainy week, the kind he hated. I don't know what happened to him.

Things have been a little slow on the writing front. I didn't get enough sleep this week. Nevertheless, I've had a very creative week away from the keyboard. I've been thinking about things past the non-fiction book and different ways of approaching fiction. I think future fiction works will be easier.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

With the holiday, yesterday felt like Friday or Saturday, and today feels like the weekend. I think I'll take this week off as a holiday week. Nevertheless, it's time for an Is He Still Alive? recap.

Is He Still Alive?
Rich Little was very big in the 80s doing impressions of presidents and celebrities. He was on all kinds of shows. As we learned in a previous blog, he is indeed still alive. YouTube recommended this video of him to me this week. I hope you enjoy it.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Fake Justice

I saw a show on Christian television in which these two young guys were, as is so often the case there, trying to sell a book. Because I don't want to promote them, I won't name the show or the book. Their theory is that freedom of religion in America is a Satanic conspiracy and that the founding fathers gave it to us so occult forces could freely sneak their mystery religions into our new country. In case you wondered, yes, the young men looked like Millenniuals. I could go on about the faux gravitas, but I'll spare you. I didn't pay attention to all of it. I was reminded of Isaiah 8:12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy, neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. A modern translation I read put it something like this: Conspiracy, conspiracy. Everything this people speaks of is a conspiracy. Don't be afraid of what they fear. I'm not a seminary graduate, but I think what was going on was that people in Isaiah's time were focused on conspiracy theories instead of focused on solving the real problems facing the nation. Sounds very familiar. Just because something sounds logical and fits the facts doesn't make it true. We have a literary genre for that. It's called Historical Fiction.

While I didn't watch every single minute of that show, a picture of the Supreme Court building caught my eye. Carved in stone was Equal Justice Under Law. It reminded me of "hate crime" laws. When those were first being debated, it was pointed out that there are no hate crimes. All crimes are "hate" crimes. A crime is a crime no matter what. In our legal system the law is supposed to punish people for what they do not for what they think or feel. The law can never ever know what a person was thinking or feeling at the time of a crime. Knowing that would require a supernatural act. The law is not supernatural. Even if the criminal swore he felt hate at the time, the law can never ever know if that's really true.

As a theoretical example, suppose you got into an argument with a stranger that led to a fight. Suppose the stranger was a member of a special class according to hate crime laws, but you're not. If the law charged the other person, he would get a light sentence if any. If the law charged you, the sentence would be severe with lengthy imprisonment. This is not equal justice under the law. What this actually does is allow the government to selectively punish people they don't like. That's what hate crime laws are really for. The government has figured out a way use dictatorial and oppressive powers under the illusion that it's constitutional, when the very carving on the Supreme Court building tells us it's injustice.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, November 9, 2018

How Could They?

I think it's that time again, the time when I talk about politics. Since 2016, I've become more and more disgusted with the liberal media and the left. Take the Russia thing. Before Obama left office, his administration investigated and cleared Trump of the accusation. Consider that. One of the most corrupt administrations in the history of this country said Trump was innocent. Despite that, the Democrat party wouldn't stop talking about it. The false accusations and lies never stopped. The baseless attacks by the media have been relentless. They began accusing him of all kinds of things before he even had a chance to do anything in office at all. It's been rabid and perhaps insane as if they were being controlled by malevolent supernatural entities. The lack of integrity in the media and among the Democrat party since 2016 has thoroughly disgusted me. And it's been in sight of the public.

How in the world could this country have given control of the house back to the Democrats when they're clearly incompetent to rule? Historically, it was expected that that would happen. The party opposite the President usually wins the congress. Nevertheless, I'm extremely disappointed by such a large step backward, especially after the inexcusable behavior of the left. The silver lining is that the Republicans control the Senate, which means good things for Supreme Court justices. On the whole it turned out better than expected. The Democrats took the house back, but they did worse than anticipated.

In Europe terrorists protest, riot, burn cars and attack people. Terrorist organizations are banned over there. After the 2016 elections Democrats protested, rioted, burned cars and attacked people. Should we should think about banning the Democrat party as a terrorist organization? It seems logical, especially after the last two years.

Washington, D.C. has a lot of problems. We all know this. The way I see it the Democrat party and the Republican party are the two main problems. If we could get rid of them both, the other problems would solve themselves. Neither one of them are interested in solving the problems of the country. The "problems" they keep trying to solve are how to get reelected and how to find more time on the golf course. I don't see those as problems.

Let's talk treason. When congressmen are sent to Washington, they vote on bills that become laws. The votes do not belong to the congressmen. They belong to the people. Every time a congressman trades or sells a vote, that's theft. Every time they vote according to an order given by a party official, that's theft. That's violation of their oaths of office. That's treason. Maybe not hang them all from a lamppost treason, but it's still treason against the Constitution and treason against the American people. It's a blatant violation of their fiduciary responsibilities to voters. Both parties are rust from the past. As long as they stick around, we'll never have a bright future.

So, last week I reported that Tesla had made a Q3 profit. It turns out they fudged the numbers by reporting money from previous quarters as third quarter profits. It appears they made a little money but only a little and not the way they massaged the numbers to make it look.

Despite all that, have a great weekend. :)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Low Confidence Score

I've mentioned Tesla and how it looked like they could go bankrupt. I was a huge Tesla fan until the Solar City bailout, a move that according to analysts ended up costing them a billion dollars a year. Well before that nugget was revealed, I stepped back and reevaluated. The bailout made absolutely no sense. Tesla kept losing money. My time as a Tesla fanboy came to an end. I decided I had no confidence in the company unless they could turn a profit for two quarters in a row. They've turned one in a row before. It didn't stick. After the bailout, the loss per car began to grow instead of shrink. It looked like a train wreck in slow motion.

It's taken a lot longer than it should have, but Tesla finally made a profit. Third quarter results came in the other day. The train wreck, if not stopped, has at least slowed down. Will they be able to do it again next quarter? Time will tell. They've done so many wrong things I have a hard time placing any confidence in them. Stories in the past have described Tesla as having a very high lemon rate. That has not changed.

I've looked at them partly from the analyst side but mostly from the consumer side. I can't afford a Tesla, but I kept track of them hoping for the day I could. After the Solar City fiasco that changed. If the funds came through today, I would buy something else. It would still be electric. It would just be a different brand. Maybe later I've reevaluate but not today.

Have a great weekend.