I finished the "last" pass through AoE. It's getting very close to being out the door. Aside from the cover, I have to fix one final problem I just found. At an important arc in the book, several characters are missing who should be there, and a character who doesn't have a stated reason to be there is present. It makes sense the way it is. The reader can logically assume things are the way they are from prior events, but I'll need to go back and add a few sentences explaining the absences and why that extra character is there. Writing him out would make sense, too, though that would take extra time I don't want to spend.
It was something of a long week. After I finished the AoE pass, I was able to take a look at the first couple of chapters of the mystery/romance. I wrote it around 2013 and 2014 as something different, when I needed a break from the other books. My dad died in late 2013, and that caused a lot of disruption. The level of polish isn't what it would be today. In a perfect world I could think about a re-write. This isn't a perfect world. I have too many other books to do. Unless I see something absolutely dreadful, I'm going to give it a good polish and kick it out the door. Under a pen name, of course. It was always going to be under one. Now it really, really is. I'm not sure about the timing, though. I have another book that needs to go out as soon as possible. I may work on the mystery'romance on the side as a mental break from that book.
I've mentioned a non-fiction book that would be a collection of things people don't hear in the churches of institutional Christianity or in the "independents" either. Denominational Christianity is very culture bound. A lot of the way people view the Bible seems to come out of mindsets present in the Dark Ages. Too much of Protestant thinking flowed down directly from Catholicism. The reformers didn't correct all the bad doctrine, and it's still taught in Protestant denominations.
I've been collecting a list of topics of things I've gotten revelation on that denominational Christianity isn't capable of thinking, because of traditions(Mark 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such like things you do.) and cultural biases. Lately, I've had a massive insight into who the anti-Christ really is. Not the specific person but who and what that person will be. Very controversial stuff. I've also seen a different way of looking at the Rapture that will settle the debate once and for all without a list of scores of verses. :) Hint: my new doctrine doesn't use the twinkling of an eye verse. Sounds intriguing, eh? "That they should believe the lie." I know what the lie is, and it has nothing to do with fallen angels posing as aliens. And so on.
I haven't felt I had enough material to flesh out a full book. I hate it when people publish a Christian "book" that's basically a 163-page booklet but still has a full price on it. If it's only 100+ pages, it's probably not ready. It certainly doesn't justify top dollar. I think now I can make a full book that will give people their money's worth while delivering solid revelation. I also see a way of promoting it. So, that's become my top priority. I'm not 100% sure on the page count, but I'm going to start on the text anyway.
Have a great weekend.
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