Last week I burned my hand with microwaved V-8 juice. It wasn't boiling or steaming but was still vicious. The skin is still not healed and looks kind of reptilian. I've been using aloe for it. I'd post a picture, but my fake friends on Facebook who never read the blog would see it, when I linked the post. No sense disturbing them. I don't need their fake sympathy. Maybe I'll post it next week.
Last week was also bad in other ways. The week before that I bought wood panels at the hardware store for a background for my YouTube channels. Everything lined up perfectly for me to pick them up and even get a discount. They're for indoor use. My plan was to put one of them against the wall instead of a green screen. But they had a chemical odor to them. It wasn't very strong, so I closed the door to that room most of the time. When the weather warmed up, I opened the windows and let it air out. The weather turned cold. Last week the chemical had built up in the house, even with the door closed, and was making me sick. I had to put them outside, which they're too fragile to withstand if they get wet. They still smell. I might not be able to bring them back in at all.
Last Thursday I ordered Revolution. Since it was online, the vet had to authorize the prescription. Instead of doing that, they called me and tried to price match. Online it's around $15 a dose. At the vet they usu ally charge $25. The price match would have been nice, but I couldn't get there that day(Friday) or Monday. I let them authorize it. It was supposed to be here Tuesday, but the post office was fast. It came in Monday. However, Monday is the day the substitute mail carrier works. The normal carrier has that day off. It was delivered to someone else.
I made it to the post office before they closed. It turns out that when they scan a delivery, the GPS location is recorded. Since the delivery was fewer than five minutes from the post office, one of the people who works there ran out to the mailbox and picked it up and brought it to me. Yay! However, when I got out to the parking lot, the battery in the car of the person I was riding with was dead. Nobody had jumper cables. We had to wait until someone picking up mail had them. It's amazing how many people don't carry them. When I had a car, I always carried them. It's basic kit.
Next week will be better. I know it will.
Have a great weekend.
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