I was picking at the label on my deodorant, when I noticed a health warning: Ask a doctor before use if you have kidney disease. They put the first part in bold type for emphasis. Finding a warning for a daily-use product is disturbing. What is this stuff doing to people's kidneys? Forget kidney disease. What is it doing to healthy kidneys? Is it causing damage? Is it making them work too hard to clear out chemicals? Does it depress kidney function in some other way? I can't help but wonder if this deodorant is doing fractional damage that accumulates over the years to contribute to kidney disease and failure. Who would notice? Maybe people who already have kidney disease. Maybe that warning label means healthy people should stop using that product. Is anything we use safe?
I did a little research and found this link that kind of makes it sound like the warning is nanny-state nonsense to healthy people. This link seems to think deodorant is safe. The whole thing makes me want to switch deodorant. I can't help but wonder about the alternatives. Is there some ingredient in them that hasn't been tested the way the scary warning label deodorant has? What if I switch to something that has no warning label only to find out later it was the scariest one of all? Is anything we use safe?
So, the other day I mentioned a stray cat that comes around that I named Nelson. When my mom found out I had named a cat Nelson, she was scandalized, because a woman she used to go to church with lives across from a widow whose deceased husband was named that, and I simply could not use that name in case she ever found out. I had to rename the cat Patrick. We don't know any Patricks. Here's a picture of Patrick:
Isn't he cute?
So, the local paper had a story about the Hurricane Irma, which was a tropical storm by the time it hit us, damage. Remember a while back I mentioned I was supposed to get fiber internet, but the company doing it changed its mind, and I ended up with nothing from them? The paper said the fiber was out for 5 days. Isn't that something? My 1.5Mbps el cheapo copper line was back in less than a day. Just something I noticed.
Have a good weekend.
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