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Friday, May 19, 2017

The Generous, Rich Widow

I got an email from a rich widow in Germany whose husband was a minister and left her $5.6 million. She only has two months to live and wants to send it all to me so I can start a business. She gave me an email address where I can contact her. However, it has a domain suffix from Poland. That's a bit odd, I believe. I don't think Poland's been a part of Germany since 1945. Maybe her mind is playing tricks on her due to the illness.

$5.6 million is a lot for a minister. I can't help but wonder how he had so much. After a lot of thought, it occurred to me that he was probably friends with the Nigerian prince. Evidently, the prince was able at last to get some of his fortune out of his country. I'm glad it finally worked out for that fellow. I know how hard he's been working for years to achieve that dream. And who better than a minister to offer aid to the helpless? I'm glad he was able to render assistance before his unfortunate demise.

After some delayed feedback on Book 2, I decided to do something I've been thinking about for a while. I pulled it off Amazon. I've mentioned before that I took some risks. I've been second-guessing them all year. It started 3.5 years after the first book. That was really too long. There were things I wasn't completely sure worked, but I've finally concluded the biggest problem is that it didn't fulfill promises made in the first book. Between the time gap and the change of direction, maybe it was too much risk. So, the plan it to either rework it and use parts of it or start over directly after the events of Book 1 while following more closely in the footsteps of those events.

I don't know how I'm going to make all this work. I'm still working on the update to the English in the KJV, which is going well but very slowly. It's extremely time-consuming. I'm on Luke. I picked up a couple of shirts to use on the YouTube channel. I need to get some more videos made.

Have a great weekend.

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