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Friday, April 7, 2017

Did the Work, Got No Credit. Breakthrough Anyway?

There's a lot of confusion today over what the lie in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is. The KJV puts it like this, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Within the fairly recent past, someone figured out that in the Greek is doesn't say "a lie" it says "the lie". Suddenly, prophecy experts realized the lie was something very specific. The explanation I keep seeing is that the lie is going to be fallen angels posing as aliens. I see it called the coming alien deception or the great alien deception. That's not the lie.

I made a video explaining what the deception actually is but didn't quite have peace about making it public and didn't. Afterward, a good reason occurred to me. Remember the blog I did after Brexit in June of last year in which I explained that the map of the Roman Empire looks nearly the same as the map of the Mediterranean Union did several years ago but now it doesn't?  In that post I talked about the possible breakup of the EU and the MU and how they relate to Bible prophecy and the kingdom of the anti-Christ. Within the past couple of weeks, I watched a prophecy show. The guest, a prominent prophecy expert, mentioned the kingdom of the anti-Christ and the EU, then almost under his breath he said "Mediterranean Union". No explanation, no followup question, no clarification on what he meant. It was dropped and left.

The current map of the Mediterranean Union doesn't look like the map I remember seeing last year or the map of the old Roman Empire. How could this prophecy expert have made the connection this year to the MU map of several years ago? I have two public followers but more hidden followers than that. Nevertheless, not many people follow this blog. Apparently, things I mention here travel a lot further than I imagined. I got no credit on that show not even an anonymous mention, but my post is dated by, as will this one, so...

I've talked about my Biblical, non-fiction book that's still in the early rough draft stage. I had this idea that I could make YouTube videos about things I'm going to put in it, and the channel wouldn't catch on until the book was done. It usually takes a long time for a channel to catch on, if it ever actually does. We're talking a year, though I have absolutely no guarantees. The book could drive the channel instead of the other way around. It now looks like I won't be able to talk about anything that's going to be in the book. If that prophecy expert does a book based on my post, he's looking at at least $350,000 in royalties. That's based on publishing industry figures. With his prominence it could be much higher.

I feel better about my book now. If that MU revelation can make it to Christian television, the other things in it should be solid, too. Maybe after all these years of obscurity there's a breakthrough coming? Wouldn't that be nice?

Have a great weekend.

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