Last week I mentioned someone(s) had used my debit card to make some purchases. The bank caught the large ones and cancelled the card but let all the small ones go through. I had to go to the bank and dispute the charges. A week later I'm still waiting on them to be reversed. My new debit cards finally arrived today. To activate them, I need to use them with the pin numbers. Since they're brand new, I have no pin numbers. Looks like another trip to the bank.
My bank is a decent bank, but they don't seem to want to work with me on some things. I have two accounts, my regular account and the business account I opened last year that was mentioned in a previous blog. The business account is mostly unused. I'm adding small amounts to it for a project I hope to launch later this year, if nothing comes up. It was supposed to be a surprise, so act surprised later. They didn't want me to order a new card for that account. I did it anyway. About a month before this fraud on my debit card, I went into the bank to dispute something that looked like fraud. They tried to discourage me by saying the card would be cancelled. I said that was fine. They wouldn't let me do the dispute unless I tried to work with the vendor to get it resolved. So, I did that, and the "mistake" worked out. However, if the bank had let me cancel the card when I wanted to, the criminals would never have used it a month later. And who knows, maybe that dispute I had in the first place led to somebody leaking my card number. It's kind of mysterious how it happened. I have several suspicions but no real proof.
On to book things. I got a little done on the non-fiction book. I'm still not ready to start AoM, but I'm slowly getting there. I had an internet outage this week. I'm still waiting on them to upgrade my switch. It's no longer on the schedule, so hmm. I've been looking at wireless internet and satellite internet. Satellite is competitively priced and may be the way to go. It's just not unlimited and has lag time from the signal going up into space and coming back down that would be inconvenient or make some thing undoable. Wireless would be better but costs too much, although the prices are slowly coming down. We'll see.
Have a great weekend.
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