I went through the YA book polishing things and changing some of the jargon to make it more accessible to a wider audience. For instance, I used NPC multiple times instead of non-player character. Most things like that got changed. The jargon is all 100% real and easily identifiable to the target audience, but you know. Other people need to understand what's going on, too. :)
I also started going through the part of the Book3 rough draft that's done in preparation for getting back in the saddle. The rough draft is over 25% complete on that one. I've also started thinking more about the non-fiction book I want to do. It would be about things the general church doesn't know. Why Sunday isn't the sabbath. Will the anti-Christ have 40 days of testing in the wilderness before beginning his ministry? Is the Rapture in the Psalms? Why all denominations are false. Why Moses can't be one of the two witnesses in Revelation(Hint: he's dead). Why the Tribulation must begin during autumn. Why Paul's ministry ended in spectacular failure. Etc.
It's going to be both easy and difficult. Instead having a logical story over the course of however many pages, I'd need a logical narrative over one chapter. Each chapter would have to make sense on its own. Remember that blog in which I mentioned Book2 has a character who raised somebody from the dead, while in Book3 she doesn't have that gift? I wouldn't have to worry about things like that. On the other hand, a lot of the topics would never fill a chapter. Should I have a chapter with multiple subjects? Should I have multiple chapters where the subjects share a common theme? That's going to be the hard part. Some subjects can be explained in a few paragraphs. Which translation should I use? I usually use the KJV here, and it's the most authoritative by far. The problem is quite a few of the words no longer have the same meaning they did in 1611. Communications, for instance, in 1611 meant something like deportment or behavior rather than exclusively speech. Whenever I hear someone talking about a verse with communications in it, it's always explained in terms of speech and media, which isn't exactly what those verses mean. Speech was merely a subset of communications in 1611. The average pastor doesn't understand that words like that are even a problem. Not having to explain what words actually meant in 1611 versus today would make things easier.
The non-fiction book would be something I'd want to promote on YouTube, which is one of the reasons for the delay of that channel. The YA book would be promoted on the other one, which is one of the reasons for the delay on that channel. In addition to problems I've mentioned previously.
It's looking like a January release for Book2.
I had a dentist appointment on the 7th that I had to wait about two-and-a-half weeks for with only ten days of antibiotics after waiting to make the appointment to begin with. I got creative and made them stretch. I could use prayer for that and things like finances and the car I need, etc., if you're a praying person and are inclined to pray for me. :)
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