This week a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Living under the Obama administration has been a burden. He broke his first campaign promise less than a day after taking office, and it was to his own people. Since then, it's been scandal after scandal with a corrupt congress failing to act, because of political reasons. Democrats don't honor the U.S. Constitution, and Republicans thought they could use the scandals to get votes. Obama has defended Islamic terrorism his entire term in office while declaring Christians to be terrorists(#72). Agencies like the IRS have been buying military ammunition. A lot of the ammo purchase stories are exaggerated or false. However, the IRS is an accounting agency with no enforcement powers. Why do accountants need guns? Hmm. Obama has boycotted the national day of prayer. The largest genocide of Christians in history is going on right now, and he never mentions it and has never been seen doing anything to stop it. I could go on and on.
The atmosphere of intolerance in the U.S. toward Christianity has grown the last eight years. From my observations we haven't had a Christian president since Ronald Reagan. But the presidents between Reagan and Obama were not actively anti-Christian the way Obama has been. There's a difference.
It looked like Hillary was going to be another Obama. It looked like she was going to be even more radical. She said during her campaign that Christians were going to have to change their beliefs. Video here. Another way of saying it is that she thinks her word is greater than God's word. The United States was founded by people fleeing religious persecution by tyrants who were trying to force them to change their religious beliefs. Hillary is the exact kind of person this country was founded to get away from!
The polls were saying she was going to be elected. The closer election day drew the more of a burden I felt. Between the ammo purchases and the declaration that Christians are terrorists and Hillary stating that Christians would be forced to change their beliefs, it was only a matter of time until the persecution became more physical.
The polls were wrong. Were they false propaganda the whole time? Were the pre-Brexit polls propaganda? Trump was elected. The Kenyan has 69 days left in office. Yes, he was born in Kenya. The corrupt Democrats and Republicans through spiritual ignorance failed to block him from running for office, when he was clearly not Constitutionally eligible. The Constitution is our covenant with God. Putting someone in office who was outside of covenant nullified a lot of blessings. If we don't follow our covenant, we don't get the blessings just like ancient Israel. According to the Bible, being ruled by a foreigner is a curse, and being ruled by a woman is curse. It looked like we were going from one curse to another.
But a lot of people have been praying. Our prayers were answered. If everything goes as it should, America will once again have a president who is under the covenant. Blessings that have been blocked will be able to flow. Pandering to terrorists will end. Persecution of Christians within the U.S. should greatly reduce, although the Democrats are extremely intolerant of other views.
Knowing that I'll have a president who doesn't hate me for my religious beliefs is such a relief. Is Trump a Christian? I have no idea. We'll have to wait and see the fruit. He's said some good things and some bad things. What I do know is he's not a muslim who hates Christians.
Up until now I've been assuming Christians would be persecuted in the U.S. before the Tribulation starts. Is it possible the persecution won't begin until the Anti-Christ is in power? Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. America is the largest exporter and funder of missionaries in the world. Is it possible that God will keep us free in order to fulfill that verse? I don't know. It's something to think about. If the dollar crashed, our freedom could vanish overnight. Will that too be delayed until the end? These are some strange thoughts.
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