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Friday, May 13, 2016

Blood Moons and Shmitah Fail

I was going to do a particular blog last year then forgot it the week it was planned. If you guessed the Hitler vs Steve Jobs one, that's not it. I need to look up some verses for that one. And I have to be sensitive in my approach to such a controversial and emotion-evoking figure as Jobs.

Last year two things were on the calendar, the shmitah and the blood moons. The shmitah was the one I forgot. Because nothing happened. Nothing happened with the blood moons either, although one of the claims for them is something could happen the year after the last pair. Whatever.

I saw an interview a while back with Mark Hitchcock about the blood moons during all the hype. He said nothing was going to happen. I made a mental note of that. He was right. Looking him up for this blog, I found he put out a book in 2014 about the blood moons debunking them. I haven't read it, but I might look at it one day. It's well-reviewed.

Jonathan Cahn or Jonathan Con? He totally blew it with his shmitah prophecy. Personally, I think he was sincere in his beliefs, just sincerely wrong. The day of the shmitah I forgot it was supposed to happen and didn't think of it until later in the week. I ran to YouTube to see if I could find a Jonathan Cahn Video. I found one right away. This is kind of sad. He said that just because nothing happened didn't mean he was wrong. That's when I quit watching. There's a time to stick by your beliefs, and there's a time to admit you're wrong. I haven't listened to a thing he's said since that video. Someone on Facebook posted a couple of articles about him lately. I didn't look at them, but they're what reminded me to do this blog. :) I couldn't help but wonder if that person still believes.

I knew the blood moons and shmitah were going to flop when I saw how big they were in the secular media. Satan distorts the truth. He didn't distort the message on those. It was amazing how clearly they were presented. When I saw that, I knew it would end up making Christians look like nuts.
Another thing that didn't make sense to me was the prophecy the stock market would crash on the day of the shmitah. I looked it up ahead of time, of course. That day was a Sunday. The markets are closed on Sundays. If it happened on Friday or Monday, that wouldn't have been the shmitah. It never seemed to fit.

Book Stuff
Things are going a lot faster on book 2, which still has no title. Last week I mentioned I needed a timeline. I have a legal pad of information for every book. I found a timeline in the back of the one for book 2, but it was a simple one listing only the major plot points. Aha, I was on the right track at some point but got misdirected. Life hasn't been fun lately. Everything seems to get in the way.

I got the green screen put up this week. Unfortunately, as I was adjusting the height of the support poles, one side of it slipped down hard and tipped the stand over. The pole fell forward onto one of the light stand and broke the light bulb. I think I've mentioned before that one of the bulbs blew right out of the box but I was making do with two. This left me with one left. I had to order more. The good news is that they were supposed to arrive next week, but they arrived today.

Studio One

This is roughly the setup for the writing videos. I would sit in the chair as the literary critic character and expound on "literature". (That thing in the corner is a duster in case someone wonders.) The lights have umbrellas that go in front of them. I just haven't gotten it all set up yet. It would be one light for each side and possibly another above or in front of me. It depends on how it looks on camera. I didn't get the chair moved until late last night. There would be two more lights behind the chair to evenly light the green screen.
For videos for the Messenger channel, I'd use the same setup with different clothing. For yet other videos, I'd probably stand up.

If things go well, I'm going to try to make some videos Sunday. It's going to take some experimentation to figure out the light height, etc.

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