I've been having a rough time getting this blog started much less done. I tried transferring pictures off the phone. My computer wouldn't recognize it. I reinstalled the driver, etc. I tried my old phone. Same problem. I dropped the old phone about a centimeter. Now the SD card won't lock in place.
I finally shut down and restarted the first phone to see if that would do anything. The pictures transferred. /facepalm However, two copies transferred. Why?
About half the wall is back up. It takes over 10 minutes per board. Rather appalling, but I have to paint a little, hammer the nails out of the back of the boards from where I pried them off the wall to begin with and then hammer them to the wall. I have to hold a board up with one hand while trying to hammer with the other. They slip so easily. Some of the nails are bent. Trying to use bent nails is something off a fool's errand.
If it seems like there's a gap between two of those boards, it's because there is. A lot of them aren't straight. The top and bottom could touch the board beside it while there's a curved gap in the middle. The backs of them are rough wood, not sanded at all. Since I'm not putting them up in order, I may get to the last board and find out it doesn't fit.
While working on this, I've thought a lot of inappropriate things about the people who built this wall and their lumber choices. It was wrong of me to think those things. It was probably worse that I found it so amusing at the time. http://i.imgur.com/IyK15at.gif
I have seven boards left to go. It's going to take over an hour over multiple days. That black paint over the light line is a final coat to make sure the hairline crack is sealed. I ran out of the light paint. These are two ounce(59.148ml) old hobby paints. Three significant digits. If you're a science type, I hope you enjoyed that.
Anything not red on that floor is a wood chip, a piece of ceiling plaster or miscellaneous detritus. I'm going to have to sweep and vacuum again. It's really sad. I painted some more of the floor crack on the other side of the room. It's almost done.
I took some old shelves that were in the room to the dump. I'm getting really close to making videos. I may start before the room's finished, if I can get the floor clean enough. I can't put my beautiful greenscreen on that vile thing.
In another blog I mentioned this room smells musty after it rains but fine otherwise. It rained this week. It didn't smell musty. Yay!
Part of the delay has been the weather. It was warm then turned colder. To clean the walls, I need to be able to open a window and pull air through the room. Even with an all-natural wood cleaner, the smell is terrible, and it lingers for days. I haven't been able to open it up. I think I'll have the boards done by Monday or Tuesday. It's supposed to be warmer next week. I should get the other walls cleaned if it is.
Electric Cars
Over 325,000 pre-orders for the new Tesla Model 3. I wish I was one of them. I'm glad so many people are interested in this technology.
One of the blogs I have in the queue is Hitler vs. Steve Jobs. I really need to get that done.
Book Stuff
Book 1 in this new series was so easy. It flowed like water. Book 2 is not water.
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