Emperor Sydeke likes ekorus races. Ekoruses are based on real creatures.
The article has some fiction in it, of course.
I deactivated my Amazon Seller account. I had them ship me my items. They were all sitting there not selling. The listing for the one item I'd hoped would be my best seller was broken by Amazon. It was a differently packaged version of one of their best sellers. I've had a help ticket open on it since November. Every few days they would send me an email telling me they were working on it. I have dozens of them. I might publish them in a blog post one day. After I had them ship that product to me, they still told me how hard they were working on it. Then suddenly they sent me a mail telling me they'd fixed the problem. hmm They also wanted to know how well they had done solving my issue. Solving my issue? They solved my issue? I still haven't answered.
I'm going to give most of the items to a local charity.
I may reactivate later if I can save up enough money to do it better knowing everything I learned the first time around. Or I might not. In my state if you generate your own electricity, electric companies are forced by law to buy any excess from you. Though it would cost more, it might be easier to do something like that. Buffing the dust off solar panels once a month wouldn't be too hard.
Progress on the book has been less than I'd like. I ran into a problem this week in real life that interfered. It seems like there's always something getting in the way. Sometimes, it's like God's telling me this desert is ending, but I don't see the end. I'm not seeing the breakthroughs I need. I'm pretty burned out at this point.
Remember the other day I mentioned it doesn't seem like anyone cares? The church I've been going to lately is a small church where everyone knows everyone. I never go Sunday mornings, because it doesn't fit my schedule. They cancelled Sunday night services to go to some other church for something or other. Nobody called me to tell me. They all forgot. I showed up to a dark building and an empty parking lot. The property across the road is quite picturesque. I should take some video of it. There were at least a dozen turkeys hanging out doing turkey things. We have a lot of wild turkeys here. Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the turkey our national bird, but the other leaders wanted it to be the bald eagle, a carrion animal.
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