The other day I had gotten out of the shower and was drying off when my cell phone rang. Being still partly wet, I couldn't get to it. I wasn't worried since I would be calling the person back within minutes. I finished drying off, got dressed and checked to see who it was. It was from my land line. But I was home alone...
I've seen that movie! I can't remember the name of it. It was black and white. This woman was home alone and kept getting these scary calls. It went on for a long time then the phone company, I think, told her the call was coming from inside her house.
When I saw the call had come from inside my house when I was supposed to be alone, I tried not to freak. But I remembered that movie that I saw something like 30 years ago. I sneaked out the side door and checked the driveway. Through some bushes I could make out the front of a truck but couldn't tell if anyone was in it. I went back inside and called somebody to let them know what was happening. Then I went out the front door.
A couple of days before that I had had a problem with the phone and called the phone company. The call from the land line was from a guy out checking the phone line. He had hooked into the box outside and called from there making it look like it was from inside. Phew! Of course, I didn't tell him about that movie. I never mentioned how weird his call was. I pretended like everything was cool. :)
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