Last Friday and the Friday before that there was no internet service at all. Today, it was .08Mbps upload. I have a connection now, however.
There's not much to report on the book front. I've made more progress, but it's nothing to brag about. While I was away, I had a big sinus infection that affected the tooth with the abscess. It was terrible. The abscess seems to have settled down presently. There's a drama to it, but it's just not interesting. It's been a bad time recently.
Here's a picture I took in the driveway. It looks like two leaves, but it's actually one. Normally, they turn yellow all over. I've never noticed one with a green center. My guess, and only a guess, is that it was dying on the tree and fell off. I don't think the weather has anything to do with it. It's been a very cool summer with temperatures in the 80s for the most part. Usually, it's about 99F this time of year. It was about 90 yesterday and 78 right now because of the rain.
The worst weather was a heat spell in June in which it was in the 90s during the day and the 70s overnight with high humidity. Right afterward it dropped into the 50s two nights in a row, well below normal. There have been a few days in the 90s lately, but the forecast is showing 80s in the near term. The media focuses on the heat out west because of shortsighted political goals, but it's not like that everywhere else. The dog days of August are yet to appear, but I'm cautiously optimistic for a cool August and a great September.
Have a great weekend.