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Friday, August 10, 2018

Taking a Break?

It's been too long a week to do a blog today. The second wave of torrential rain never appeared. It rained, of course, but not like the forecasters thought it would. Nevertheless, with all the humidity I've been fighting mold and mustiness. There was a leak in a wall that I had to take apart to let dry out. It looks relatively easy to fix. I think it just needs to be sealed. I still have a little to do on it. The hard part was removing the boards.

I may take a few weeks off from the blog. It depends on how things are going.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 3, 2018

I Still Won

Not long ago I got a letter out of the blue from a debt collector regarding a hospital bill. I was quite surprised, since as far as I knew everything was either taken care of or in the process of being paid off. I called them and said I didn't owe it and gave them what proof I had. The woman asked me to fax it. Fax? Is this the 90s? Do people still use those? I scanned and emailed my proof. They ignored it. I ended up going to the hospital and talking to their "Cashier" who looked over my evidence and gave me a number to call for the physicians billing department. I called and then had to email them my proof.

In the meantime I emailed the debt collector and explained to them that someone would be contacting them soon to sort it out. A few days later I heard from the billing department. The second sentence of the email started out, Unfortunately, this already has been turned over to a collections agency, etc. And then they admitted in very vague wording that I didn't owe them anything after all. Two of the sentences they used were sentences I had used in my email to the debt collector. This let me know that a) they were sharing my emails behind my back and b) the physicians were not on my side, even though I was in the right!

The scary helpless thing about all this was that the debt collection agency deliberately ignored my proof. All they had to do was pick up a phone and call the number I provided them. They willfully refused to do anything to help me at all. All the burden was on me. I see why people hate them so much. Even when you're right, you're still wrong. The attitude I got from the billing department was also inexcusable. It was like they were mad at me for not actually owing them money. #DoctorsAreDevils

Remember all that rain I mentioned earlier this summer when it rained for three weeks? It started raining Monday and has rained every day this week. If you watch the Weather Channel, it's been on there a lot. Another wave is coming in around Wednesday. There's a high percentage chance for rain every day between now and then. That cool front I was looking forward to this week arrived, but it rained every day it was here. It's looking like two weeks or more of straight rain. Again.

I had no internet or phone last night. The rain washed out a cable or something. On the way home I saw a crew working on the side of the road with a giant spool of something wiry.

Have a great weekend.