I'm also wondering if this wasn't all staged ahead of time. The U.S. congress votes on many bills. They never take a vote without knowing how everyone is going to vote. There's at least one person in each party who polls every member of congress in advance to see how the vote will go. If there aren't enough votes, that's when the dirty, backroom deals get made.
Sometimes a reporter will ask a congressman why a particular bill didn't come up for a vote, because the American people deserved to at least get it voted on. The answer is generally something like "it didn't have enough votes to pass". It's all known ahead of time.
Politicians poll the populace to find out how elections will turn out. This tells them where and to whom to campaign. Was there a decision among the global leadership that the EU is going to fail and something new is needed? It's an interesting question. I wouldn't be surprised by that. It's been having problems for a while. Perhaps, this is a "European Spring".
Here's an excerpt from my upcoming YA book:
the dissolution of the European Union after the Great Collapse, most
of the southern countries in the old EU had merged into the
Mediterranean Union, a region covering roughly the same territory as
the ancient Roman Empire. The newly created Eastern European Union
had absorbed Germany and nations north and east of it, including
northern France. The whole thing had formed along economic lines with
weird anomalies like Scotland and Ireland being in the EEU while
England and Wales joined the MU.
only paid attention to it in school because Bible prophecy teachers
following twentieth century traditions had unanimously been caught
off guard at the implosion of their prophetic interpretations. The EU
was supposed to be the kingdom of the anti-Christ, and now there was
no EU. Bible prophecy had been discredited in the world's eyes.
The Great Collapse is fiction for the story, and the names of the unions can be anything. This passage might need some tweaking before the final draft, but the basic information is there. It's futuristic background filler for most readers. Only Bible prophecy students will pay attention to it. I based this on the idea that for decades prophecy "experts" have been telling everyone that the EU is a fulfillment of a prophecy that the Roman Empire will rise again. This is the EU. And this is the Roman Empire. Obviously, these don't match. There's a lot of overlap, of course.
The Mediterranean Union is closer to covering the territory of the old Roman Empire. Actually, the map has changed a lot since the last time I looked at it. It didn't used to have the northernmost countries on it. It was mostly centered on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea much like the old Roman Empire.
The Anti-Christ will have a kingdom. Revelation 16:10 And the fifth angel poured our his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, It would make sense for it to cover the territory of the old Roman Empire. What we're seeing with this Brexit vote, as with the Arab Spring, might be that kingdom falling further into place. A lot of that territory is Islamic. Europe is begin Islamicized. Daesh has declared a caliphate. We might be seeing a caliphate coalescing around the Mediterranean whether Daesh survives or not. It would need a political leadership and not just a trade alliance.
Prophetically, I thought the Brexit vote was interesting enough to share, although I wish the YA book had come out before that so I could look like a prophetic genius. ;) The Bible predicts ten kingdoms that will arise and rule the world. We're seeing it falling into place. The global government has been creating unions to rule the planet. North American Union, South American Union, European Union, ASEAN, African Union, etc. Based on that, Britain will not be allowed to stay outside a union. If the Brexit really goes through, they will be forced to join something. The closest union to them that's not the EU is the Mediterranean Union. It'll be interesting to see what happens with that and how political leadership changes.