The Messengers of Yesh Web Address

Friday, December 2, 2011


Welcome to the blog! The Messengers of Yesh is a fantasy series that began with an idea in late 1991 or early 1992. I'd finished my first book and was brainstorming ideas for the next one. One of my rough concepts was about a group of college students who get pulled to this world with elves and dwarves and derivative stuff like that, kind of Dungeons and Dragons. It was too generic, and I didn't know how to make it work in a way that would be new or interesting. The whole elves and dwarves/kids go to another world thing had been done to death by the early 90s. Done. To. Death. That's why people do vampires today. :) I put it on the back burner and started on something SF. Life got in the way, and the elf and dwarf book never got written. Every once in a great while, I would think about it, but nothing workable came to mind. I was older and past the D&D phase. The whole concept wasn't where I was going in life.

Fast forward to 2007. In October I suffered a tragedy that had me thinking about my life. In November I had a health scare that turned out to be expensive nothing. Then one day in December out of the blue, the old elves and dwarves book idea just popped into my head but with a completely different take. What if the college students went to a world where God is real? Hang on. I believe in God. I'm not saying God isn't real. But what if they went to a world where God was more obvious in day to day affairs than ours. What would it be like to go to a temple where God was actually there? Hmm, I've never seen that done before. I started thinking about it. I wrestled with the concept, and it changed from that to what would be the final concept. There would be God. There would be religion. But the words God, faith and devil would never appear in the book. Religion would not be what most people are used to. To find out how that works, why not drop by the web site at the top of the page and check out a preview at ;)

Throughout December I wrestled with this new idea and came up with the names for the major characters and who they were. There would be six students who would not all be teenagers. Some would be older returning students but not too old. I worked out various scenes for the book, etc. I hadn't written fiction in a long time. I was rusty, so my plan was that this would be a trial run to get back into the swing of things. It didn't work out that way, but that will have to wait for a future blog.

This plan for this blog is that it's going to be about the series but not to analyze the series. It's a place to post updates about what's going on behind the scenes in a way that won't clutter up the main web site. I want people who like the series to be able to drop by and get extra info. It's also about the making of the series. Maybe it will appeal to writers to a certain extent because it concerns writing, too. I'm not sure. As I'm writing this, books 1 and 2 are available for the Kindle, but I haven't started publicity. I don't know if people will like the series. Sometimes, I think it's too religious for the secular and too secular for the religious. I don't know what's going to happen with it, but the blog for it starts here. :)